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他开始游戏生活,吃喝嫖赌,彻底堕落为城市的行尸走肉。He started the game of life, drinking, total depravity as city of a dead-alive person.

有人说,在成都除了吃喝嫖赌,你再找不出其他的事情可以做。It is said that in ChengDu, except eat, drink, fuck, gamble, you can not find anything you can do.

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丈夫吃喝嫖赌无所不为,她总是暗自垂泪却没有办法。Although her husband is as wicked as possible, she could do nothing but weep secretly all the time.

三成长大了,吃喝嫖赌吸样样都通。When Sancheng grew up, he indulged in eating, drinking, gambling, visiting prostitutes, and taking drugs.

“吃喝嫖赌”这个词语是指四种最常见的恶习,如今还得加上吸鸦片,人们说话时会伸出一个手掌——“五毒俱全”,意思是他沾染了所有的那些恶习。A speaker sometimes holds up the fingers of one hand and remarks, "He absorbed them all, " meaning that some one was guilty in all these ways.

现在很多男人吃喝嫖赌都不会,还煮得一手好菜。我经常戏称他是二十一世纪新新好男人。There're lots of men that can cook very well and they seldom drink wines, or visit a prostitute or gamble, usually we call such a man a good man in 21st century.

你吃喝嫖赌,差不多每天晚上换一个女人,你是男人中的好榜样,他们应该把你的脸印到钞票上。You drink, you gamble, you have different women here practically every night. You're the best role model a guy could want. Yeah, they should put your face on Money.

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生活捉弄了他,他也开始游戏生活,吃喝嫖赌,出卖他人换钱,祥子彻底堕落为城市的垃圾,变成一具失去灵魂的行尸走肉。Life played a trick on him, he also started the game of life, drinking, betray others to change, Xiangzi thoroughly corrupt for city garbage, turned into a lost soul, a dead-alive person.

结果,一大堆同学甫一毕业就染上吃喝嫖赌的各式恶习,当这些恶习缠身之后,又那里还能成为一名出色的商务人员。As a result, a lot of students already had various bad habits such as drink, gamble and whoring, when they graduated. With these bid habits, it is impossible for them to be able businessmen.

富有的日子容易让人沉沦,陈兆辉吃喝嫖赌样样都精通,从年轻时迷上大家乐导致负债累累,也让家人心碎不已。Chen Zhaohui was an expert at drinking, eating, womanizing, and gambling. From his youth he was addicted to the lottery, which ultimately resulted in a heavy debt, and broke his family's heart.