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我订了一份月刊。Me suscribí a una revista mensual.

本刊为月刊,大16开本。This print magazine, large format 16.

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大西洋月刊的撰稿人大卫·费得曼写道Atlantic contributor David Freedman writes

这家书店出售所有的计算机月刊。The bookstore sells all the computer monthlies.

那家报刊经销商销售所有电脑月刊。The newsagent sells all the computer monthlies.

这个漫画版是以月刊的方式连载中。It is a serial comic in a monthly comic magazine.

本月刊电子杂志发送给12500个读者。The online magazine was sent to 12500 recipients.

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他为这些月刊写短评。He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines.

这个月刊的发行额猛增到50万份。The circulation of the monthly shot up to almost 500000.

我们精读了6月刊,但没有发现多少互动性。We perused the June edition, but didn't see a lot of interactivity.

这份月刊从明年开始就要改成日刊了。The monthly magazine will be changed to a daily publication next year.

那是一份免费的育儿月刊杂志,内容全是关于养育孩子的。And it was a monthly free parenting magazine all about raising children.

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看过月刊后,陈太太想向慈济捐款。After reading our magazine, she would like to make a donation to Tzu Chi.

其中这区是公开夜猫子、芒果布甸的闪烁星月刊呀!Among This Is Public Owlowsims, Orange_apple87 Sparklingstar Monthly Publication!

Mozilla用户支持项目──SUMO──最近发布了他第一份月刊新闻通讯。The Mozilla user support project, SUMO, has published its first monthly newsletter.

成果发表在美国精神病学与法学学会3月刊上。Results appeared inthe March Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry andthe Law.

每个扶轮社员必须订阅英文扶轮月刊或其他扶轮杂志。Every Rotarian must subscribe to either The Rotarian or one of the other Rotary magazines.

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运用她的技巧在哥伦比亚去保卫人权。刊登于英文扶轮月刊内。Kelly Nicholls applies her skills to defend human rights in Colombia. Inside The Rotarian.

华盛顿月刊2007年加利福尼亚大学之间的排名在社会意义的全国高校第15位。Washington Monthly 2007 ranked UCR 15th amongst the nation's colleges in social relevance.

杰姆斯•法落斯是著名大西洋月刊的驻华记者。James Fallows is the Beijing correspondent at the Atlantic, an influential American magazine.