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反对党获得62个席位。The Opposition won 62 seats.

反对党现已成为合法组织。Opposition parties have now been unbanned.

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这些结果或许会令反对党受到鼓舞。They are likely to hearten the opposition.

苏丹释放伊斯兰反对党领袖图拉比。Sudan releases Islamist opposition head Turabi.

内贾德将任命一个新的反对党领袖。Ahmedinejad will nominate a new opposition leader.

韩国的反对党封锁了议会。South Korea's opposition is blockading parliament.

反对党已经就该议案提交了一项修正条款。The Opposition has tabled an amendment to the bill.

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反对党认为这份报告文过饰非不予理会。The opposition dismissed the report as a whitewash.

反对党爱国阵线承诺会禁止这种政治倾斜政策。The PF promises to put a stop to political favoritism.

劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election.

有人认为,钱三强是更加露骨地反对党的领导。Someone held that Qian's deeds were flagrantly anti-party.

卡塔尔这个海湾小国虽是弹丸之地,但却在武装给予反对党支持。The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.

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这也有部分原因是由于反对党的一意孤行和毫不让步。Part of the problem is crass intransigence by the opposition.

政府的计划被反对党批得一钱不值。The government's plan wasrubbished by the opposition parties.

主要的反对党“穆萨瓦特”党没有赢得任何席位。The leading opposition party, Musavat, did not win any seats.

反对党领袖要求立刻解雇中川。Opposition leaders called for ­Nakagawa's immediate dismissal.

反对党议员指责女部长玩忽职守。Oppositions MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty.

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政府的计划被反对党批地一钱不值。The government's plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.

反对党辉格党看到范布伦的失败很高兴。The opposition Whig Party was happy over Van Buren's failures.

他说,他的政党已经做好准备,接受担任新的反对党的角色。He says his party is ready to accept its role as the new opposition.