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这招女性也适用哦。And women also notice.

这个方法是适用的。The way was applicable.

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线夹适用范围广。Wide application range.

它适用于暗疮。Apply it on the pimples.

只适用于腋下。Apply to underarms only.

这理论不适用。The theory doesn't apply.

但是,规则同样适用。But the same rule applies.

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同理适用于书和blog。Ditto for books and blogs.

这对我非常适用。This will do me very well.

适用于环境温度-25?Ambient temperature is -25?

适用于岗亭的清洁。Apply to control box clean.

仅适用于金属辅料。For metal accessories only.

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这也适用于领导。That applies to leadership.

适用于全人类。They apply to all humanity.

敏捷也适用于远程团队。Agile works in remote teams.

适用直角型加工件之倒角。Fit for vertical work piece.

扩大了工伤保险适用范围。Insurance coverage expanded.

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适用于脸和颈的所有地方。Apply all over face and neck.

你的计划好像不适用。Your plan seems inapplicable.

适用于人流后体虚的调养。Apply to people the aftercare.