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很可能你已经知道,那就是哈哈镜。Probably you already know that is a distorting mirror.

但到5点左右,实验室遽然变成哈哈镜,他的四肢也逐渐僵硬了。But by 5 o'clock the lab was distorting, and his limbs were stiffening.

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但是很多把民意描绘得像从哈哈镜中看到的样子。But some give a picture of public opinion as if through a fun-house mirror.

随后,受测者们还被要求对于这些素不相识的人们的“哈哈镜”照进行打分。Afterward, the study participants were asked to rate distorted photos of people they didn't know.

就像是在开心屋里照哈哈镜,你看到的中国都是你希望看到的——历来如此。Like looking in a funhouse distorted mirror, China reflects back at you what you want to see—and it always has.

同中国的对比就象哈哈镜一样把印度的发展缺陷过分地扩大起来。Comparison with China has become a distorting mirror in which Indians see their country's shortcomings grotesquely magnified.

不过,访问这些实验室仍有点像掉进了爱丽斯的兔子洞,在每个拐弯处都有像哈哈镜中一样的古怪奇观。Still, visiting the labs is a little like falling down Alice's rabbit hole, with looking-glassweirdness and wonder at every turn.

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墙壁上的影子,或是哈哈镜上的反映,即使是近乎完美的人,有时都是怪诞的。The shadow on the wall, or the reflection in a distorting mirror, of the most nearly perfect human figure ever created can be grotesque.

大世界“始建于1917年,以游艺杂耍和南北戏曲、曲艺为其特色,12面哈哈镜成了”大世界“独有的吸引物。”"Big World" was founded in 1917, jugglers and entertainment to North-South opera, with its Art, 12-Haha Jing became the "Big World" of the unique attractions.

如果一个领袖总是面对哈哈镜,他当然高兴并感觉良好,可是这样他就再也无法看到真实的自我,再也无法了解社会的真实现状。If a leader constantly faces carnival mirrors, he surely always laughs and feels good, but he never knows the truth of himself and the real situation of the society.