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临了,他放下桅杆,站起身来。Finally he put the mast down and stood up.

一年一度的田径赛又将来临了。The annual athletic competition is round the corner again.

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其时他抵临了一个叫“花牛”的镇子。And at that time he abode in the town which is called The Pied Cow.

中国国家高级领导人也届临了此次盛会。Some high-level persons from the government also visited the event.

“我会马上带他去哈特菲尔德的,”他临了说道。I shall soon bring him over to Hartfield, ' said he, at the conclusion.

尽管政治体制的发展落后于时代的潮流,但终究有一天它还是来临了Although the political development came late in the process, it did come.

临了又说“哥,记着给人家点意思啊,现在兴这个。" Facing said" brother, remember to give them something ah, now promotes the.

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没有一个确切的时刻可谓新世界到临了。There is no clear cut moment where you can say that the new world has arrived.

分析人士说,英拉面临了选择内阁成员等好几个挑战。Analysts say Ms. Yingluck faces several challenges including selecting Cabinet posts.

不受影响还真不易,由于统统都报告我圣诞节到临了。It's difficult not to get bogged down because everything tells me Christmas is coming.

要不了多久,只要将到指定的日子,他便真真觉得灾难临了头。Quite soon he grew to have a feeling of positive dread when the appointed day came round.

在一个月圆星稀之夜,第一场霜降临了。First frost comes in the night, a clear, scant-started night when the moon is near its fullness.

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春节来临了,我很开心.在这个寒假,我和父母去探望我的外公外婆.Spring Festival is coming,I am very happy.On this winter holiday,I went to visit my grandparents with my parents.

临了,他们建议家长们"在安全标准出台之前,勿给孩子使用脸部涂料。Finally, they recommend that parents “avoid using face paints on children until safety standards are put in place.”

要是我们走漏了风声,现在掌权的那批坏蛋很可能就把握机会,临了还捞一大笔!If word gets out of our intentions, the rascals now in power may well seize the opportunity to make a final killing!

美国橄榄球超级杯大赛的星期天突然来临了,为了消磨时间等待下半场广告和衣柜故障。Superbowl Sunday is nearly here. In order to pass the time waiting for the half-time commercials and wardrobe malfunctions.

接下来摄影师就要等待“决定性瞬间”来临了——这是仅此一次的机会。The next thing a photographer needs to do is to wait for the "decisive moment" – the moment that will not repeat itself in history.

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她不肯说,到临了才漏出来这老妈子要她做媳妇,允许把儿子配给她。She refused to say. It finally came out that the old maidservant wanted her as daughter-in-law and had promised her her son in marriage.

接着,看起来最后一击的时刻来临了,颠覆这些城市和这个文明的企图,最终还是成功了,这在各地情况都不尽相同Then it looks like there came a moment where there was a final blow, where whatever was attempting to overthrow these cities and this civilization succeeded, but it was not the same in every place.