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采珠者潜水寻觅珍珠。Pearl-fishers dive for pearls.

泰山还在寻寻觅觅找珍妮呢。Tarzan is looking for his Jane.

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一名小男孩在寻觅可回收物品。A young boy scavenges for recyclables.

他们正在寻觅埋正在地下的玉帛。They were looking for buried treasure.

正在寻觅豪华住所?这里就是!Value Place is an extended-stay hotel.

群鸟南飞,寻觅冬天的阳光。Birds fly south in search of winter sun.

在东奔西走的活动中寻觅一份安宁。Favor stillness over a buzz of activity.

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我在寻觅一名男士,他的名儿叫约翰。I'm looking for aman whose name is John.

您终于不用再寻寻觅觅找部好电影了。The hunt for a good movie is finally over.

他在各家市肆寻觅任务。He searched for work at the various stores.

他们花很永劫间寻觅失落的孩子。They made a long search for the lost child.

乌鸦在头顶盘旋,寻觅着腐肉。Crows circled overhead, looking for carrion.

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真正的友谊难以寻觅,艾希莉总是这样说。True friendship is hard to find, Ashley says.

他的兄弟在寻觅非洲和一碟芦荟。His brother sought Africa and a dish of aloes.

寻觅,吸吮和吞咽,喷出反射。Rooting, Sucking and Swallow, Extrusion Reflex.

让我们在梅园寻觅我们内心的春天。Let's seek for spring in our heart in Mei Garden.

因为我们正在寻觅之城永远不存。For we go seeking a city that we shall never find.

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指向统一还是浑沌,我在作品中寻觅。Point to the unity or chaos, i search in the works.

人们常爱寻觅春的信息在哪里呢?People love looking at the spring information wrong?

寻寻觅觅几十载,一直到那一天遇见了耶稣。Searching dozens of set has been met Jesus that day.