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我们可以保证质量不比听装差。We can avouch for the quality.

我们可以保证质量不比听装差。We are able to give you an absolute guarantee on quality.

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他们捕捞一种叫沙丁鱼的小鱼,即人们购买的听装沙丁鱼。They catch the little fish called sardines which you buy in tins.

市面上,听装的奶粉要比袋装的贵很多,这是为什么呢?Market , cans of milk than the bags of expensive, and this is why?

还记得那些过去12-15分就能买到的自主品牌听装番茄吗?Remember those own-brand tins of tomatoes you used to be able to get for 12-15p?

带着三明治、听装的可口可乐或在海滩上生火,做汉堡包。They take sandwiches and cans of Coca Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach.

准备足够72小时之用的听装食品或脱水食品、奶粉,以及听装果汁。Have a sufficient supply of canned or dehydrated food, powdered milk, and canned juices for at least 72 hours.

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此款收音机的背部有着听装啤酒状的按钮来平衡它的构造,可以很方便地用来调节电台和音量。Homer floats on his back while the can of Duff beer balanced on his gut is used to tune the radio and adjust the volume.

在我离开占领华尔街运动的现场时,看到有个男子穿着听装饮料瓶制成的斗篷前来参加这个集会。As I was leaving Occupy Wall Street, I spotted a man who was attending the festivities wearing a giant cape made of tin foil.

孩子现在喝金装多美资,袋装和听装价格上有一定差别,我想问问这两种奶粉质量是一样的吗?Baby Gold now drink more than American, bags and cans have a certain price difference , I would like to ask both the quality of milk is the same as it?

玻璃瓶装的可口可乐不但比塑料瓶装或听装可乐酷多了,而且冰镇的玻璃瓶装可乐味道好好得多。Coca-cola in a glass bottle. This not only looks cooler than a plastic bottle or can but there's something about ice cold coke from a glass bottle that makes it taste better too.

可以随意放置听装汽水,或是其他饮料,可以用于放置手机、大小各种饮料罐、香烟等方便实用。Can be arbitrarily placed cans of soft drink or other beverage can be used for the placement of mobile phones, the size of beverage cans, cigarettes, and so convenient and practical.