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这种想法简直是匪夷所思It's got to seem very mysterious to us.

当律师们说话的时候,外行人通常都感到匪夷所思。WHEN lawyers speak, laymen are often baffled.

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有时候问自己想要得到什么真的匪夷所思。Sometimes asking for what you want can really surprise you.

从包的边缘掉出来的东西都是让人匪夷所思的玩意。the stuff that's falling out of the bag is just ridiculous.

毫无疑问,所谓“外脑”,确是一个匪夷所思的概念。There is no doubt that the extended mind is a weird concept.

他拥有一个庞大的身体,却能够做出令人匪夷所思的脚步移动。He had a ridiculous array of moves to go along with his frame.

如果你觉得以上所讲有点怪异的话,接下来这点就更是匪夷所思了。Now, if you think that’s strange. Here’s something even weirder.

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说起来令人匪夷所思,三五百元一集。Say unimaginably queer making a person, 349 yuan of one collect.

说起来匪夷所思,人们居然尝试把爱情分解为有机混合物。It's a weird feeling, trying to reduce love to organic compounds.

那些古灵精怪的情节和更为匪夷所思的动作场面简直有趣极了。It's crazy fun, with a ridiculous plot and even more ridiculous action scenes.

那些古灵精怪的情节和更为匪夷所思的动作场面简直有趣极了。It’s crazy fun, with a ridiculous plot and even more ridiculous action scenes.

但在一百年以前,性与政治结缘在人们看来是无法想象、匪夷所思的。One hundred years ago the idea of sexual politics would have been unthinkable.

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时间本就能改变很多东西,让原本的匪夷所思成为理所当然。This can change a lot of things, so that the original fantastic become behoove.

当茨瓦拉将香蕉放在衬衫底下走进这家店时,一齣匪夷所思的戏码于焉展开。The bizarre drama began when Szwalla entered the shop with a banana under his shirt.

然而,对于百分之九十八的公民来说匪夷所思的事,对于极少数而言却是令行禁止。And yet what is unthinkable for 98 percent of citizens is mandatory for the tiny minority.

果儿瞬间变得匪夷所思,这与嘉穆所说完全相反。If really the instant becomes unimaginably queer, this and Jia Mu are said completely contrary.

书目多得令人匪夷所思,这可能预示一股新的庞大现金流。There's a ludicrously large backlist in books and this could mean a massive new revenue stream.

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这部电影的结局很烂,情节太让人匪夷所思,煽情过了而且不现实。What a stupid ending of this film is, whose polt is ridiculous, over emotional and unrealistic.

一切竟如此匪夷所思,一年前未完的故事,神话般的旧地上演。Everything was so fantastic, a year ago, the story of the unfinished mythical pitch performance.

无论什么时候,她一变得匪夷所思、不可理喻时,我就求她再对我好点,原谅我,爱我。Whenever she turned cold and hard, I begged her to be good to me again, to forgive me and love me.