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本人巳阅读并同意遵守大会规定章则。I have read and agree to competition regulation.

第四章则叙述当今的寺北柴。The fourth chapter describes the today's Sibeichai.

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大会保留最后修订赛事及报名章则之权利。Organiser reserves the final right for any amendment.

而圆形纹章则是为了表示对卡尔·拉普原公司的致意。The roundel was a nod to Karl Rapp's original company.

第四章则对苏童作品中的死亡主题作了价值评判。Chapter four is about the comment of the theme of the death.

第二章则考察了二人转的文化特征。The second chapter examines the cultural characteristics of song and dance duet.

第三章则分析了赛珍珠女性观的成因。In the third chapter, the thesis author analyses Pearl Buck's formation of feminism.

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文章第二章则是从理论上分析了高技术创业企业所面临的资信风险。The second part has analyzed the credit risk faced by high-tech venture theoretically.

第五章则探讨了船舶担保物权的相对消灭问题。The fifth chapter discusses the case of relative extinguishment of security right on ships.

第六章则介绍了系统采用的通讯语言,即KQML。The communication language used by the system is referred in the sixth chapter, namely KQML.

第四章则着力于构架以学生为本的高校帮困育人新体系。A new student aid system based on the spirit of the student first is instituted in Chapter 4.

结婚,是一本第一章以式写成、其余各章则以散文写就的书。Marriage is a book of witch the first chapter is write in poetry and remain chapter in prose.

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婚姻,是一本第一章以诗写成,其余各章则以散文写就的书。Marriage is a book which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.

结婚,是一本第一章以诗篇开始,其余各章则以散文写完的书。Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.

第四章则集中地从诗学的角度对上述问题作了一个总结。Chapter Four draws a conclusion about issues mentioned above mainly from the perspective of poetics.

第三章则集中关注德谟斯提尼在演说中如何呈现政治事务。In Chapter Three, the author's discussion is focused on Demosthenes' presentation of political affairs.

英国文化协会保留对比赛章则之修改及解释权利,而毋须先行通知参赛者。The British Council reserve the right to amend and interpret the competition rules without prior notice.

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第二章则介绍了螺旋波等离子体的产生机理与实验装置。Chapter II presents a simple description of the generation and propagation characteristics of helicon wave.

第三章则先对俄罗斯的节日进行介绍,包括宗教节日和传统节日。The third chapter is about the Russian festivals, mainly about religious festivals and traditional festivals.

三公司章程、营业计划书、业务章则、股东名册及其持有股数。Articles of incorporation, business plan, business bylaws, and shareholders list and their respective shareholdings.