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做好信访工作,加强舆论监督和社会监督。Statistical work shall be subject to public supervision.

第八条信访人对下列信访事项,可以向有关行政机关提出Article 8 The following matters may be inquried by a complainant

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信访工作与维护油田稳定关系密切。Public access work is closely related to oilfield stable maintenance.

第三章分析涉诉信访的制度困境。Chapter 3 analyzes the system predicament which LLC encounter in current.

信访者亦常常被拒绝接触设在北京的政府机构。Petitioners are also routinely denied access to government offices in Beijing.

第五部门是信访轨制改造的总体请求。The fifth part reform of the"letter and visit"system of the petition requirements.

军队信访工作在我国社会生活中发挥着独特的作用。Letter and Visit of Military is playing a unique role in the society of our country.

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第四部门是目前信访工作中存在的题目。The fourth part of the"letter and visit"system is the work of the problems that exist.

公安信访工作是构建和谐社会的一项基础性工作。The work of petition to public security is a basic task of building harmonious society.

信访制度是一项具有中国特色的非法律性制度。Suggestion by letter and visit is a non-juristic system with great Chinese characteristics.

信访户张玲的丈夫从高树上跌摔成高位截瘫。Zhang Ling's husband, family letters and visits from high-jumped a tree or high paraplegia.

信访制度是一项具有中国特色的非法律性制度。Suggestion by letter arid visit is a non-juristic system with great Chinese characteristics.

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同时,日益变化的社会形势促使人们以新的眼光,从不同视角审视、评判信访工作。Meanwhile, in the changing society, the peoples judge the appeals from different point of views.

综合内因和外因,从而导致了信访者“宁信访不信法”。Therefore, resulting in the complainants "believe the letters and calls but not believe the law".

信访工作的独特作用使其在社会主义政治文明建设中占有重要地位。The transparency of the government information has important effect on the political civilization.

信访工作绩效是评价一级政府和工作部门及其工作人员做好信访工作的效率、效益和效果。Letters and Calls are one part and parcel of Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Government's jobs.

昨天,他们就接到一起省信访局转来的信访案件。Yesterday, they receive province letter one case to visit bureau the letter that come around seeks a case.

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信访制度是我国当今迫切需要完善的民主法律制度。The resolution-by-visit-and-mail is a democratic and legal institution which is urgent in need of perfection.

因此,农村信访工作也成了我们新时期稳定信访工作的一个重要组成部分。Therefore, the countryside petition work has also become our new time stable petition work important component.

因此,保障信访权的行使是建设和完善信访制度的应有之义。Therefore, construction and perfection of Letter-petition system is just to protect the right of Letter-petition.