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这样的人成为养父母。These people are called foster parents.

最后,那对养父母还是把女儿送还给了山姆。And the foster parents gave his daughter back to him finally.

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那些给孩子更多自由时间的家长就可以被称为“自由放养父母”了。Allowing one's children free time is called free-range parenting.

被领养的孩子在性格上就与养父母不同。Adopted children don’t resemble their adoptive parents in personality.

他割断了与哺育他的养父母间的一切联系,还改了名字。He severed all ties with the couple who had raised him and changed his name.

但我从来没有像这样的积极思想,我爱我的养父母。But I have never actively thought of it as such and I love my adoptive parents.

一位患有脑瘫的男孩的养父母正在为他能平安回家而祈祷。The foster parents of a boy with cerebral palsy are pleading for his safe return.

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菲利克斯为查理二世安装车轮,并一起逃出养父母家,去寻找哥哥查理,从此开始了一段奇幻旅程。Calling the car Charlie II, the pair set out on a quest to search for Felix's brother.

而同性恋家庭和单身养父母常被遗漏。Lesbian- and gay-parented households as well as single adoptive parents were usually left out.

养父母如果当时就知道孩子是诱拐来的,还会受到刑事指控。If adoptive parents were aware of the abductions, they are now subject to criminal prosecution.

要想抚平创伤需要养父母们额外多的努力,以及无条件的爱。Undoing the damage may require extra effort on the part of adoptive parents, as well as unconditional love.

当然,即使他的养父母被抓获,刘静军能够回家的希望也很渺茫。Of course, even if his “adoptive parents” are caught, Liu Jingjun’s chances of finding his way home are slim.

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帕希菲卡在养父母和兄姊的爱护下成长为15岁的天真少女。Paxifeika grows below the care of foster parent and elder brother elder sister the schoolmiss for 15 years old.

对收养问题有了正确的认识后,养父母们采取了新颖的方式对待收养子女问题,态度也显得极为积极。Armed with this knowledge, parents of Chinese adoptees have taken a zealous new approach to raising their children.

穆雷查克安排纽约Centerport他的两位邻居吉恩和南茜·金尼做明的养父母。Mrazek had arranged for two of his Centerport, New York, neighbors, Gene and Nancy Kinney, to be Minh's foster parents.

别的一个方法是比较收养孩子的特征与他们的生父母、养父母及亲兄妹和非亲兄妹的特征比拟较。Another method compares the traits of adopted children with those of their biological and adoptive parents and siblings.

如果你的养父母姓史密斯,那么你现在就同他们以及他们的孩子一起加入到“史密斯”这个家庭的晚餐当中。If your adoptive parents are named Smith, you now attend the Smith family dinners with the parents and all the children.

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他的养父母从未对他隐瞒这一点,并且当他开始寻找自己的亲生父母的时候,还给予他支持。It was never hidden from him by his adoptive parents and they supported him when he began to search for his birth parents.

她回忆说,自己的越南养父母因为她而吵架时,养父曾大叫“你为什么非要收养一个美亚混血儿?”She recalls her adoptive Vietnamese parents arguing about her, the husband shouting, "Why did you have to get an Amerasian?"

茄子。之所以做出这种决定是因为这些准养父母们不吃肉。养父母们选择了去法庭上诉。Eggplants. The decision was taken because the would-be adoptive parents, who have gone to court to overturn it, eat no meat or fish.