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蒙片是一张覆盖在图版上的透明塑料片。A mask is a transparent sheet of plastic.

系统具有主视图、属性表、统计图表、和图版等功能。The XZDGIS system comprises Views, Tables, Chart and Layout.

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最后,绘制了应用于实际生产的理论图版。Finally, we protract the theoretic plate for engineers to use.

自由建立一个电子图版,并且用它进行即时模拟。Freely create an electric schema with a real time simulation of it.

制定了储层和有效厚度识别的标准图版。The standard plate of reservoir bed and net thickness had been set down.

建议把该数字去掉吧,无图版会更简洁一些。Proposed to remove the right of the figure, no plate number would be more concise.

利用建立的技术筛选方法,创建了七种工艺技术筛选图版。By using the methods of screening methods, seven kinds of screening plates were created.

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这个模型可以是一张图片,一个情节串联图版,一段视频,甚至是一个雏形,什么形式都可以。It could be a picture, a storyboard, a video, or an actual prototype, among other things.

本文提供了一种新的解释双重孔隙介质地层干扰压力资料的图版。A new type-curve is presented for analyzing pressure interference in double porosity system.

刊出部分化石图版,简述双壳类化石组合特征。In addition, a brief account is also given on the characteristics of fossil bivalve assemblages.

依据以上资料对中图版地理教材进行了理性分析。I bring forward the reasoning analysis to the textbook published by SMP according to the above data.

这种图版是应用两种完全不同的方法——解析方法和数值方法求得的,其结果是一致的。This type-curve is obtained with both analytic method and difference method giving the same results.

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从图版看,香港简稍短,或与“未”字下半残断有关。From the plates of view, Hong Kong Jane shorter, or "not" the word off the second half of the residues.

美国俄亥俄州奥柏林学院艺术馆,1978至79年刊,第148页,图版9号。Literature Bulletin, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1978-79, Ohio, U. S. A. , p. 148, pl. 9

其形态特征有汉文和拉丁文描述以及显微照像图版。Their morphological characteristics were described in Chinese and Latin with microscopical photo plates.

他在那里呆了一年的时间,一个很偶然的机会,他帮助艺术部制作电影的情节串联图版和概念艺术作品。He worked there for a year, occasionally helping out the art department with storyboards and concept art.

综合使用这两种导数图版,提高了匹配的精度,使匹配结果准确。Synthetical use of the two derivative plates can raise the match precision and make the matched results exact.

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现场40多井次实测资料的解释结果表明,图版可靠,方法正确。Interpretive results of more than 40 well-time measured data indicate that the chart board is reliable, and the method is correct.

在油田的实际生产中,一般根据所用仪器的类型及具体条件来选择相应的解释图版及校正公式对测井曲线进行校正。In the actual oil-field production, it is generally to choose the homologous plates and formula to correct the well-logging curves.

最后,用实例来验证本文所建立的新理论图版的实用性和准确性。Finally, one example is used for analysis to demonstrating the practicability and accuracy of the new well-test characteristic curve.