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泄露和消除。Leakage and removal.

他把这个阴谋泄露给我们。He tipped the plot to us.

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事实真相已泄露。The truth has leaked out.

泄露国家秘密的。He divulges state secrets.

马丁在闲谈中泄露了自己的秘密。Martin tattled his secrets.

真实情况泄露。True condition is divulged.

他泄露了帮凶。He gave away his accomplices.

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被泄露的外置轨迹板。The leaked external trackpad.

但是,这的关键就是没有泄露。But the key here is no leakage.

我肯定不会泄露一个字。I'm not going to open my mouth.

有人把秘密泄露出去了,。Some has disclosed the sec ret.

他失口把我们的计划泄露给他们了。He babbled out our plans to them.

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Monolight的内存泄露检测工具A memory leak detector for Moonlight

别把我们的安排泄露出去。Don't let on about our arrangements.

杰克把我私下里说的话泄露给了玛丽。Jack blabbed my confidences to Mary.

朋友是不会泄露秘密的。A friend does not betray confidences.

他向朋友们胡乱说话泄露了机密。He babbled the secret to his friends.

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那明显是假设没有泄露的。And that assumes obviously no leakage.

租让的消息立即泄露。News of the leases leaked out at once.

他们要我不要泄露机密。They told me not to reveal the secret.