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赛后,戴门蒂耶娃仍然心有余悸,“我不能为澳网比赛继续热身,甚至我都很难再挥动球拍”。I couldn't even hold my racket.

每次余震都让李女士心有余悸。Every aftershock terrifies Ms. Li.

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影片情节让人心有余悸。Plot of the film makes people shudder at.

他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons.

对刚开始孤独一人的两三天我至今仍心有余悸。The first two or three days I was alone there still scare me.

即使事隔多年,回想起来,仍是心有余悸。Even after many years, in retrospect, still have a lingering fear.

郑百文、猴王等丑闻的暴露,让人们震惊之余仍心有余悸。Moreover, the scandal of Zheng Baiwen, Houwang and so on, do shock the world.

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惊慌与痛苦早已过去,她仍心有余悸。Long after the panic and the pain had passed, she was haunted by the experience.

这场毁了他们家园的地震仍然使那些幸存者心有余悸。Those who had survived were still shocked by the quake that destroyed their world.

谈及中秋节发生的一幕,家住昌平霍营的余先生仍心有余悸。Turning to the scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mr Yu says Changping Huoying still haunt.

由于仍对过去数次危机中高风险借贷上的损失心有余悸,拉美银行在此次危机中避开了问题次级抵押贷款证券。Burned by risky lending in past crises, the banks had shunned toxic subprime-mortgage securities.

他们是对的,贸易战不会帮助当前经济。但是我仍然心有余悸。They are right that trade wars won't help the economy, but I'm not so sure about that second part.

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海曼仍心有余悸,她尚未重开Facebook的帐户,但希望有一天回到网上。Heyman, still a little shaken, hasn’t reopened her Facebook account but hopes to get back online in the future.

她还说,随着她逐渐长大,这些回忆既使她心有余悸,又促使她与歌迷们建立起有积极意义的关系。As she grew older, the memories both haunted her and propelled her to a positive relationship with her fans, she said.

想想以前的学习生活,心中感到一丝的心有余悸。十二年的寒窗苦读,为的就是一次高考。Think of the previous study life, I feel anything for him reeling. Twelve years of studying, all in an entrance examination.

每个公司的退役军人在回望武装部队“教条和武断”的人才管理制度时都心有余悸。At every company, the veterans were shocked to look back at how "archaic and arbitrary" talent management was in the armed forces.

每个公司的退役军人在回望武装部队“教条和武断”的人才管理制度时都心有余悸。At every company, the veterans were shocked to look back at how “archaic and arbitrary” talent management was in the armed forces.

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新基金创设之初投资态度可能会趋于保守,因为它们对现有基金在本次危机中的遭遇仍心有余悸.The new funds are likely at first to be conservative investors, mindful of how much existing funds have suffered during the crisis.

小马回忆起当时的情景时,仍心有余悸,得知自己的好友小叶已经不治身亡时,她更是伤心欲绝。Colts recalled the scenes at that time, still lingering fear, that their own good Friends of lobular have died, she was hit me hard.

国家和世界上大部分地区被这名新敌展示出的执着仇恨和灵活机动吓坏了,且心有余悸。The country and much of the world was rightly and profoundly frightened by the single-minded hatred and ingenuity displayed by this new enemy.