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热刺渐渐稳住了阵脚。Spurs are steadying themselves.

敌军从背后受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear.

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黎明追着子夜来临了,似乎匆忙得乱了阵脚。Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

日军很快稳住了阵脚,开始反击。The Japanese soon settle down, began to fight back.

发言人谈到这个问题使他们乱了阵脚。The spokesman wrong-footed them with this question.

得知真相后,班尼措手不及,卡通家族阵脚大乱。Know the truth, Benny surprise, cartoon family into confusion.

稳住阵脚,你可以利用好自己慷慨大方的个性。Stay mellow. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of.

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先取得一点胜利,稳住你的阵脚,晚点再取得一点胜利。Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.

萧条时他们稳住了阵脚,把公司拉了回来。They were great holding the floor down, repaired the company back.

我承认,我乱了自己的阵脚,我有些迷失了方向的眩晕。Attendance I admit, I disturb their condition, I lost some of vertigo.

我欣赏他写的第二自然段,只是越到后面越乱了阵脚。I enjoyed his second paragraph , however , these next plots are conflusing.

然而,当观众为意大利人呐喊时,李娜展现了她的勇气,稳住了阵脚。But as the crowd roared for the Italian, Li showed her mettle and held firm.

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科技上不断地升级改变使许多公司阵脚大乱。Constant and escalating technological change has left many organizations reeling.

我们开局还不错,然后他们进球了,我们有点乱了阵脚。We didn't start badly, then they got the goal and we lost our momentum a little bit.

这里,我们为您列出一些职场新人法则,以免你们在刚开始工作时乱了阵脚。Here we've listed some rules for *newbies so you won't mess up at the very beginning.

你能做的,就是在其他所有人都阵脚大乱时保持冷静。The best you can do is keep your wits about you when everybody else is losing theirs.

尽管观众席中传来些许嘘声,舞台上的演员们却不会乱了阵脚。Despite the boos from some in the audience, the actors on stage never lost their cool.

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假如老板自己就先乱了阵脚,手足无措,可想而知,你的下属能不打退堂鼓吗?。If himbossfirst random lose one's head, can be imagined, your subordinate can not back out?

这一年我们的阵脚稳住了,为下一步发展增强了信心。This year we have pins stabilize, to have increased confidence in the next stage of development.

心急很容易导致“乱了方寸”、“乱了阵脚”,很容易犯低级错误。A watched pot easily lead to "random heart", "thrown into a position", it's easy to make mistakes.