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为什么农夫留你在这吃闲饭?Why does the farmer keep you around anyhow?

你不能老在我这里吃闲饭,你也得自己干点儿什么。You can't always sponge on me, but have to work.

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我看不起那些吃闲饭的人。I look down on those who eat the bread of idleness.

身强力壮的人谁也不愿吃闲饭。A strong man is not willing to be a loafer or sponger.

越来越多吃闲饭的警察。我们纳税就是干这个吗?More Garda incompetence. Is this why we pay our taxes?

我们的大脑憎恨空虚,而且从不吃闲饭,就算只有不到十分之一秒。The brain hates emptiness and never stays idle, even for a tenth of a second.

做有智慧的人,给教会带来益处,观察神家里的事,不要吃闲饭。For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

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某些人说你们是吃闲饭的,但是你可以说你们人员不足啊。Some might say it's incompetent, but you could say it's that you're understaffed.

他观察家务,并不吃闲饭。She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

她观察家务,并不吃闲饭。She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.