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她能幽默地把这故事讲得娓娓动听。She can dish up the story in a humorous way.

老师以幽默风趣的语调,把故事讲得娓娓动听。The teacher dished up the story in a humorous way.

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这个故事讲得娓娓动听。This story was told in a pleasant and interesting way.

有人说梭罗的文章娓娓动听。It has been said that Thoreau's style is conversational.

她的表演虽然说不上奇妙绝伦,也还娓娓动听。Her performance was pleasing, though by no means capital.

你复述这个娓娓动听的故事,得到了多少酬劳?What has been your charge for repeating this very plausible story?

希刺克厉夫知道,他为了要凯瑟琳作伴是能够娓娓动听地央求的。Heathcliff knew he could plead eloquently enough for Catherine's company, then.

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他讲起故事来娓娓动听,吸引了所有小朋友的注意力。He is good at telling stories, and can attract the attention of all the children.

基于对文章内容的理解和认同,读这些文章时,不少老师读得声情并茂,娓娓动听。These were chosen as the materials for the reading competition. Most of the teachers read with rich emotion.

斯佳丽可弄不清千古是什么意思,但他声音确实娓娓动听,所以也没说什么。Scarlet was not sure what an aeon was, but there was no mistaking the baiting quality of his voice, so she said nothing.

他讲得娓娓动听,不过除了坦陈心曲之外,还详细表明其他种种感情。他倾诉对她的柔情蜜意,同样也滔滔不绝地吐露自己的傲慢心情,谈得毫不逊色。He spoke well, but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride.

夜深了,母亲催着我们回到老屋的炕上睡觉,她总能把那娓娓动听的故事延续到我们睡着之后。Late at night, the mother urged us to go back to the house on the Kang to sleep, she always put the talk in an impressive way story continued to our sleep.

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柴可夫斯基对莫扎特小步舞曲的改编,可以说是将清晰、流畅的古典音乐浓化为"用音乐来讲述娓娓动听的故事"的柴氏语言之作。Tchaikovsky's adaptation of Mozart minuet can be said to be clear, thick fluid style into classical music "sounds appealing to use music to tell the story ".

如今再也听不见你娓娓动听的话语,去湿润我干旱已久的心田,再也看不见你QQ上闪烁的亮彩去点燃我心中炽爱的欲望。Now you no longer hear none of the nice words, to wet my long-standing drought in the heart, you no longer see the flickering on QQ Liang Cai light to my heart's desire for love Chi.