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这是一首多愁善感的歌。It's a sappy song in word.

你太多愁善感了,伊坦。You're too sensitive, Ethan.

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因为你偶尔的多愁善感。Because of your occasional sentimentality.

他非常讨厌多愁善感无病呻吟。He has a strong dislike for the sentimental.

这就是我说的多愁善感的一部分。That is part of what I mean by sentimentality.

彼得热情乐观,保罗暴躁易怒,耶利米多愁善感。Paul was a choleric. Jeremiah was a melancholy.

爱情从来免不了多愁善感。Mawkish sentimentality, affection, or amorousness.

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他的朋友们认为他太多愁善感了。He was thought to be too namby-pamby by his friends.

如果他们做的过分了,我们就说他们很多愁善感。If they overdo it, then we say they are sentimental.

呃,我觉得你得承认自己挺多愁善感。I think you should just admit that you're a big softy.

难怪妈妈说我像多愁善感的林黛玉。No wonder my mother said I like sentimental Lin daiyu.

这位体面的官员沉溺于多愁善感之中。Here is the pretty official groveling in sentimentality.

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不过,她们擅长的是多愁善感。However, they do appear to rank higher in sentimentality.

她身体瀛弱,而且多愁善感。While she is much weak, she also grovels in sentimentality.

这并非多愁善感,或是天真烂漫的想法,而是一个事实。It is not a sentiment, or a romantic idea, but an actuality.

我骨子里就是个多愁善感的女孩,这是唯一的根源。I am a delicate girl in bone, maybe it is the only springhead.

多愁善感和感情用事妨碍了感觉的敏锐。Emotionalism and sentimentality prevent the sensitivity of feeling.

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以色列人也没时间因为伯利恒而多愁善感。The Israelis have no time for sentimentality about Bethlehem either.

非多愁善感的人,也不凌驾于其他男女之上,或与他们远离。No sentimentalist, no stander above men and women or apart from them.

我怀疑在你愤世嫉俗的外表下,你的内心是个多愁善感的人。I suspect that under that cynical shell you're at heart a sentimentalist.