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而我被认为大功臣。And I am deemed responsible for it.

可恨的是罪恶而非功臣。Hate the sin but not the blackmailer.

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功臣泽穗希则包揽了金靴奖和金球奖。Sawa hero is taking the Golden Boot and Golden Globe.

这次比赛的功臣是后卫刘爱玲。The toast of the Chinese team was defender Liu Ailing.

他是这场伟大胜利的主要功臣之一。He was one of the main actoris of this magnificient win.

哪位曾经的三冠王功臣今天过生日?Which former treble winner celebrates his birthday today?

李先生不但是学校的功臣,并且是我们的救命恩人。Mr. Li is not only the school's benefactor, but also our savior.

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中国消费者已经成为百胜业绩增长中的头号功臣。The Chinese consumer has become the star in this business’ growth story.

他们原出本地正户,赐给功臣后集中居住。They had a domestic working families, give live together after the hero.

古埃及的神明得到了子民们的崇敬,可实际上古埃及的化学家们才是真正的功臣。The gods got praised, but it was ancient chemists who deserved the credit.

虚拟化是增强服务的多用途能力和迁移能力的一大功臣。Virtualization is an important enabler of verstility and mobilty of services.

某人在某个考试考得特优。而我被认为大功臣。Someone got a distinction in a particular exam. And I am deemed responsible for it.

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这个机关必须与政治脱离关系,不应该成为一个由助选功臣任职的政府机关。This bureau must be divorced from politics, and not a catchall for political hacks.

斯马格利称是饮食习惯的改变产生了这一变化,而其中的一种神秘食物正是造就这对惊人长睫毛的“功臣”。He said a change in diet to include a secret food coincided with the bizarre growth.

稻本润一是日本队能进入第二轮比赛的主要功臣之一。Junichi Inamoto was one of the major reasons for Japan's journey to the second round.

稻本润一是日本队能进入第二轮比赛的主要功臣之一。Junichi Inamoto was one of the major reasons for Japan’s journey to the second round.

进球的功臣巴顿用他的全场最佳球员奖来慰忌以被解雇的胡顿。And goal hero Joey Barton dedicated his man of the match award to the deposed Hughton.

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中国一直不避讳自称是在危难时刻向欧洲提供支持的功臣。China hasn't been shy about claiming credit for supporting Europe in its hour of need.

雅典奥运会多次替补登场立下战功,也是球队的夺冠功臣。Athens Olympic debut set a number of substitute military exploits , the team also won the hero.

在背景中,一则电视新闻报道称杰克是救参议员帕默性命的功臣。In the background a television reports that Jack is credited with saving Senator Palmer's life.