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有种干巴巴的感觉。It has that dry quality to it.

"尿到里面",她干巴巴地说。"Urinate into this," she said dryly.

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马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。The street was bone dry and glaring white.

这些干巴巴的数字似乎是那些预算核算的呆子才会关注的。These may seem like dry numbers, mostly of concern to budget wonks.

干巴巴的、枯燥的纯理论式学习是一种学习方法,Because, uh, it's one thing to study something in a cold, academic way,

而干巴巴的统计数字,却能比故事给我们更多的信息。Statistics, dry as they may be, give a lot more information than stories.

当我饱餐一顿后,才看见奶奶在一旁啃着干巴巴的面条。When I feast after to see Grandma in the side of chewing the dry noodles.

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听上去就像干巴巴的统计数据,却反应一个真正可怕的现实。These may sound like dry statistics, but they reflect a truly terrible reality.

果然,我在检查时发现有两株山茶花干巴巴的,一点水也没有。And sure enough, when I checked, I found that two of the camellias were bone dry.

在这些干巴巴的统计数字底下,是规模巨大的痛苦和无数破碎的梦想。Behind those dry statistics lies a vast landscape of suffering and broken dreams.

和早期电影中的教授形象不同,他从不引人注目,没有书生气,不干巴巴的。Unlike some of the earlier professor heroes, he’s never obvious, pedantic, or dry.

难道你在等火车的时候就愿意盯着光秃秃的墙壁或阅读干巴巴的铁路规定吗?Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading bye-laws while waiting for a train?

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该法官在其裁定中,干巴巴地注明“法庭承认这是个严酷的结果。”In his ruling, the judge drily noted, “The Court recognises this is a draconian result.

被冻了的荠菜,失去了原先的光泽,干巴巴的,很难摘净。Frozen in the shepherd's purse, lost its original luster, dry and difficult to Zhai net.

因此,理清我们关于艺术的概念,不仅仅是一桩干巴巴的掉书袋的事情。Thus, clarifying our concept of art is not merely a matter of dry, academic book-keeping.

在编辑的见解和通讯社电讯稿干巴巴的声明之间是一片一无所有的空虚。Between the opinions of the editor and the bare statements of wire services there is nothing.

鱼片照道理该切得很薄的,但我们盘中的鱼片却是厚厚的干巴巴的,而且在橙汁和酱糊里浸泡得过久。The fish, usually thinly sliced, came dry and thick, overpowered by the citrus sauce and foam.

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个人经历和强烈的情感总是比干巴巴的事实和数据更能吸引你的听众。Personal stories and strong feelings can sway audiences much more than dry facts and statistics.

“然后他们也用粗茶淡饭伺候你?”斯内普干巴巴地说,开始感到愤怒。"And do they feed you bread and water, as well?"? Snape asked drily , beginning to be very angry.

叶儿们越哭越伤心,渐渐的它身上那华丽的绿衣已变成了干巴巴的黄衣。The universe more cry more sad, gradually it the luxuriant green has turned into dry yellow dress.