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它娴静端庄却又性感十足。It's demure yet very sexy.

端庄可为女人增添光彩。Modesty is ornament of woman.

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端庄可为妇女增添光彩。Modesty is the ornament of woman.

他的举止一向十分端庄体面。He always acted with great dignity.

你比桤木还要高挑和端庄。More tall and stately that the alder.

正在这时,一个端庄的女子走进来。Just then, a demure female entered the room.

何畅是懂礼貌、行为端庄的女孩。Helen is a very polite and well-mannered girl.

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我希望你也是位孝顺,端庄的女孩。I hope you are also is filial, dignified girl.

但是端庄不仅仅停留在衣橱层面。But being modest does not end at your wardrobe.

她是少女端庄娴雅的楷模。She was the example of maiden modesty and grace.

在内敛含蓄中舒展着典雅端庄之美,在热烈奔放中渲泄活泼洒脱之情。Beauty of elegance and lively and free feeling are both in it.

没有丰年的前景,我们不可能看到瑞雪的端庄。There is no prospect of good harvest, we can not see Snow's dignified.

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仪表端庄,平易近人,积极主动,具良好沟通技巧。Well-groom and approachable. Interactive with good communication skills.

我希望你在明天的颁奖典礼上能表现得端庄有礼。I hope you will behave with suitable decorum at the prize-giving tomorrow.

我特别喜欢这件花裙。我妻子穿上这套衣服一定显得很端庄。I especially like this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.

一身素雅的颜色让活泼的女孩变得端庄、可爱!The simple but elegant color makes the lively girl civility and loveliness !

该钱币包浆自然,字体端庄大气,品相保存完美。The coin of natural patina, font dignified atmosphere, is perfectly preserved.

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她美丽端庄,性格温柔平和,平时寡言少语。She dignified and beautiful, gentle calm personality, known as man of few words.

你可以成为一位谨慎、端庄、贤德的女子,但这事非有恳切的努力不行。You may become a prudent, modest, virtuous girl, but not without earnest effort.

无论从哪个角度进行端赏,它雍容端庄的姿态均不逊其色。No matter from which Angle, the graceful dignified attitude is it bad. Its color.