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坟茔中的死鬼,脸色铁青。Death grew pale within the grave.

在大海边那座坟茔里。In her tomb by the side of the sea.

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对面山上的一座座坟茔。The graves of men on an opposing hill.

有人刚在我的坟茔上走过。是谁。Someone has just walked over my grave. Someone.

唉!温顺的花儿,她们现正躺在自己的坟茔。Alas! They all are in their graves, the gentle race of flowers.

昨天,我经过一片墓地,看到了那团“生命”在他的坟茔上嬉皮跳跃。And yesterday I passed by a cemetery and saw life dancing upon his grave.

在母亲的坟茔前,我理解小弟为什么哭得那般绝望。In front of mother's grave, I knew why my youngest brother cried hopelessly.

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由于这些中断,米开朗基罗在坟茔工作了40年。Because of these interruptions, Michelangelo worked on the tomb for 40 years.

耶稣离开祂在天上的宝座,借着十字架进入坟茔。Jesus left his heavenly throne and descended into the tomb by way of the cross.

这些没有宗教、没有偶像的百姓在熙攘的人群中度过一生,然后独自迈入坟茔。This populace without religion and without idols dies alone after having lived in a crowd.

这个人许久不穿衣服,不住房子,只住在坟茔里。For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.

耶稣一下船,就有一个被污鬼咐着的人,从坟茔里出来迎着他。And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit

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明的皇家坟茔和清朝是四个小组坟茔在东中国四个省。The imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are four groups of tombs in four provinces of eastern China.

然而那小屋的炊烟在不经意之间已俯身低走,带着一种哀悼的征象,一杆旗幡将它的抚摸飘忽在坟茔上。But imperceptibly the cottage smoke droops , has the look of a mourning emblem , a flag floating its caress over a grave.

坟茔,中央特点是摩西米开朗基罗的雕象,未曾被完成对米开朗基罗的满意。The tomb, of which the central feature is Michelangelo's statue of Moses, was never finished to Michelangelo's satisfaction.

望着母亲坟茔上的荒草,我忧伤地想,在这个世界里,我真的失去母亲了。Looking at the wild grasses on mother's graveyard, I sorrowfully thought that, in this world, I really had already lost mother.

后来便以他的坟茔为核心,扩展成王家教堂的那一片累累墓群的古老墓地。And round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of King's Chapel.

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千百年来,这里山高岭秃,坟茔座座,一片荒凉,曾被人们视为不宜久留的死亡地带。Came 100000, here Shan Gaoling is bald, grave, one desolate, ever was regarded as to should not be long by people the dead belt that wear.

耶稣上了岸,就有城里一个被鬼附着的人,迎面而来,这个人许久不穿衣服,不住房子,只住在坟茔里。And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs.

耶稣既渡到那边去,来到加大拉人的地方,就有两个被鬼附的人从坟茔�出来迎�他,极其凶猛,甚至没有人能从那条路上经过。When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.