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这里列举的充其量只是一小部分。This is a partial list at best.

但它充其量是一个不完整的范例。But it's an incomplete model at best.

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充其量也就是鳄鱼的眼泪。At best they are just crocodile tears.

充其量它只是个开口的小三明治。At best, a very small open-faced sandwich.

他们对提议的反应充其量只能说是漠然置之。Their response to the proposal was, at best, cool.

充其量,只能在五年后才会看到这样的情况。At best you are looking at five years down the road.

环境避难所假说的实证充其量就是个混合体。The empirical evidence for the PHH is at best mixed.

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今天下午我们充其量只能完成一半。We can only finish half of it this afternoon at best.

迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.

十年前,远程教育充其量只能说是处在试验阶段。A decade ago distance learning was experimental at best.

结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best.

肉类充其量不过是身体基本要素的次要来源。Meat is, at best, a secondary source of essential elements.

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不过,对于罗斯福的这个决定,费雪充其量谈得上产生了一丁点影响。But Fisher had at best a slight influence on Roosevelt’s decision.

法国人充其量也就抿,苏格兰人可是跟其他英国人一样,来灌的。Whereas the French sip, Scotland, like the rest of Britain, gulps.

达尔文的人,虽然乖巧,充其量只是一只猴子剃掉。Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.

达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.

建筑吹萧,景观打锣,充其量叫做有设计的绿化而已。Construction Chuixiao, beat gongs landscape, at best, as a green design.

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我敢肯定,我忘记了很多重大事件。这里列举的充其量只是一小部分。I'm sure I'm forgetting many big events. This is a partial list at best.

这充其量就是一个白日梦,不过我们至少应该对此怀有渴望。This is a pipe dream at best--but one that we should at least aspire to.

充其量他至少能将这种减量从发达国家转移到发展中国家。At best it shifts a cut in a developed country to one in a developing one.