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一位矿工在轮班前戴上安全装备。A miner picked up safety supplies before his shift.

这些美国研究人员也发现,轮班工作者的褪黑激素量较低。The US researchers also found lower melatonin levels in shift workers.

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不论男女,24小时的轮班中他们都十分的忙碌。Regardless of gender, crews were kept busy during their 24-hour shifts.

Shek用一架出租车机构来找工作12小时轮班的司机。Shek uses a taxi agency to find his drivers who each work 12 hour shifts.

飞行员往往在长途飞行中轮班以保持清醒。Pilots on long-haul flights often take turns at the controls to remain alert.

面对骚乱蔓延,当局部署全天24小时警察轮班维安。The face of disturbances spread, the deployment of 24-hour police shifts Vian.

据联邦航空部要求,控制员一般情况下每周工作五个八小时的轮班。Controllers typically work five eight-hour shifts per week, according to the FAA.

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联邦航空部还要求每个轮班之间必须保证八小时休息。Controllers are required to have eight hours of rest between shifts, the FAA said.

时间等于金钱,而且你的社会媒体专家需要轮班,或者还要承担销售工作。Time equals money, and your social media guru has shifts to pull or rooms to sell.

我们立即组成突击小组轮班进行堤坝的抢修工作。We immediately organized into shock groups to work by shifts on repairing the dyke.

“我们睡觉,轮班工作,一组外,那里面,”阿塞罗说。"We were sleeping and working in shifts, one group outside, then inside, " Acero said.

其他文字数据可以去除对轮班进行输入的负向过渡。Data of other words can be removed by a negative-going transition on the shift-out input.

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轮班为周一至周五下午4点至上午10点,周六和周日为下午10点至上午9点。Shift would be from Monday to Friday 4 PM to 10 AM. Saturday and Sunday from 10 PM to 9 AM.

该研究在将近十七万七千个八小时轮班护理的过程中,调查了大约十九万八千名患者。The study included almost 198,000 patients, during nearly 177,000 eight-hour nursing shifts.

该研究在将近十七万七千个八小时轮班护理的过程中,调查了大约十九万八千名患者。The study included almost 198, 000 patients, during nearly 177, 000 eight-hour nursing shifts.

当我在大学餐厅里兼职时,我每次轮班可以有一份免费午饭。When I worked in the university cafeteria, I was allowed one free meal at the end of my shift.

此前有调查发现轮班及睡眠中断会对健康产生潜在威胁。Previous research has highlighted the potential health risks of shift work and disrupted sleep.

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但是这种轮班有很多形式,也许包括一些白班,一个通宵班或一个晚班。Shifts vary, but might include a couple of day shifts, followed by a swing shift and a night shift.

具抗压性,能独立作业,并配合加班及轮班。Able to work under pressure, working independently, willingness to work overtime or work with shift.

简单地轮班是低效率的,因为这可能意味着精疲力尽的一方还要面对家务。Simply taking turns is inefficient, since that may mean the wearier party being faced with the chore.