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响亮地送出一只欢乐的歌。Peals out a cheerful song.

她用响亮而深沉的声音答话。She boomed out her answer.

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我被一阵响亮的吵闹声弄醒了。I was woken by a loud noise.

他发出响亮的粗声大笑。He had a loud, braying laugh.

我被那响亮的吵闹声惊起。I am started at the loud noise.

有时在响亮的笑声中。Sometimes in peals of laughter.

答案是响亮的“是”。The answer is a resounding yes.

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响亮的啪啦一声把他惊醒了。What woke him was a loud crash.

我们在干草堆里跳跃,喷嚏声如此响亮。We jump in hay and sneeze so loud

他吹了一声响亮的口哨表示惊讶。He gave a loud whistle of surprise.

而此刻它需要的,只是一个时髦响亮的名字而已。All it needs now is a snappier name.

乐队响亮地奏出一支欢快的德国圆舞曲。The band thumped out a merry German waltz.

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但是没用,因为她哭声太响亮了。But that's useless 'cause she cried so loud.

在1900年前后他的名声仍很响亮。Round 1900 his repute was still untarnished.

在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。The accordion was in full blast in the hall.

并立即有一个响亮的霹雳。And immediately there was a loud thunderclap.

有很多美食,大家在响亮的音乐下跳着舞。Lotsa food, people dancing to the loud music.

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旅行者高兴地吹了个响亮的口哨。The traveler gave a loud whistle of gladness.

头顶上,响亮的白头翁在抢占它们的树枝overhead loud grackles are claiming their trees

小河的潺潺声变成了响亮的淙淙声。The tiny murmur of the brook became a loud brawl.