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我强迫他做这件事。I forced him to do it.

所以,他还是不能强迫我付款。He could not force me to pay.

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这就强迫你去发音清晰。This forces you to enunciate.

那位老板总是强迫他的工人们拼命工作。The boss drives his workers hard.

这是一家强迫巨阵公司吗?Is this a company-forced downline?

任何人不应被强迫役使。No one shall be held in servitude.

失败会强迫你面对现实。Failure forces you to face reality.

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“强迫我做吧,”他告诉鲁道尔夫。"Make me do it, " he told Randolph.

他们甚至强迫他吸食海洛因。They even forced him to take heroin.

我强迫自己笑招过我的人生。A sMiLe, a LaUgh EveRydAy Of My liFe!

没有人可以强迫别人去寻求帮助。No one can force anyone to seek help.

你不应该强迫孩子们吃东西。You shouldn't force food on children.

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你不该强迫她与你成亲。You should not force her to marry you.

设若你能成功地强迫它,很好。If you succeed in forcing it, very well.

他们强迫我去的。我真的很讨厌去。They forced me to go. I really hated it.

你不能强迫别人学习。You cannot coerce someone into learning.

没有什么可以强迫我做这件事。Nothing can compel me to do such a thing.

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另外一半是强迫执行这些规则。The other half is to enforce those rules.

但强迫他仍然是不对的。But it would still be wrong to coerce him.

父母强迫她嫁给那个阔人。The mother coerced Tom into playing piano.