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四月过去,五月接踵来到。And after April, when May follows.

大风里,我的青春希望接踵熄灭。But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast.

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所长及副所长接踵被人杀死。Director and deputy director successively kill by someone.

毫无争议在战争时代一些英雄接踵而置。Undisputedly in war times some heroes come on the heel of the others.

老男孩们的摩托车接踵而行,回家的路上我们充塞了道路。The boys on the bikes rode in a bunch. Back home we would fill the road.

你可以在当地商场里与身着古装的玛雅妇女比肩接踵去购物。Shop in local markets and rub shoulders with Maya women in ancestral dresses.

尽管其它品牌的平板电脑接踵问世,但这一市场依然是苹果一枝独秀。Despite the proliferation of other devices, Apple still owns the tablet market.

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那样一来,Google们就会接踵出现——只要收购者还是那样地愚蠢。And that will get us a lot more Googles. At least, as long as acquirers remain stupid.

现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。Earth suffering from natural calamities, it is battered by man-made disASters AS well.

十月长假,张家界景区爆满,铁路、公路、飞机场客人接踵摩肩。October holiday, zhangjiajie scenic spot full of railways, highways, airports, the guest's heels.

缺水威胁这一带,野生动物在持续高温下接踵而死。A water shortage had struck the area and the wild life was dying off alarmighly in the intense heat.

比肩接踵的人群,孤独忙碌的尘世,能有多少人共着同一份悲喜?In the jostling crowd, In the lovely but bustling world, How many people can share the same feeling?

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大场麾下的士兵接踵战死,他本人也做好了玉碎的准备。Soldiers under the command of a large field one after another died, he himself prepared to do a Stick.

但,随着大小两个女儿的接踵降临,他们夫妻的日子更难了,担子也便更重了。But, with the size of the two daughters have come, the couple's life even harder, the burden is heavier.

我不说英语,朋友很少,我不能表达自己的想法,但是各种想法却接踵降临到我的心里。I didn't speak English, I had very few friends, I couldn't express myself, but things just kept coming into me.

现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。Not only is our poor Planet Earth suffering from natural calamities, it is battered by man-made disASters AS well.

因而本书作者投下了一粒种子,期望有心人士相继接踵,使「它」更日益茁壮、开花结果。So, the book is written as a "seed" to bring about more fruits and blossoms consecutively by related people in this field.

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这是给勇敢者的一种奖赏,他们可以尽情独享这一切,而不必同比肩接踵的其他游客分享美景。This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors.

最近公司的人似乎特别倒霉,好几个同事都丢了东西,甚至还有被抢的事例接踵发生。A few bad lucks hit the people in the office lately. A few colleagues dropped their belongings or had them removed by robbers.

难道你不觉得事情接踵滑过指尖,然而你的生命中并没有结出你想要的果实吗?Don’t you feel that things slip through your fingers, that your life does not really produce any of the results that you want?