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上帝成就了件惊人之举。So, God had done something terrific.

没有人事先知道她在舞台上有那样的惊人之举。No one had prior knowledge of her stunt on the stage.

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他是个常会做出惊人之举的人。He is a man who always does something that astonishes others.

他是个常会做出惊人之举的人。Eg He is a man who always does something that astonishes others.

湖南河西某重点高校一个班的毕业生,就上演了一幕“派发安全套”的惊人之举。A class of a college in Hunan just took the action of hand out condoms.

而制造这一惊人之举的正是中国著名的电影导演---张艺谋。Behind it all was the creative genius of Chinese film director Zhang Yimou.

对于史维梅的惊人之举,当时不光女儿吃惊,就连好朋友也大惑不解。For Shiwei Mei's surprise, her daughter was not only surprised, and even friends are puzzled.

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能把巨石运送到这里已是惊人之举,但建造巨石阵所花费的工夫更是复杂。Getting the stones to the site was an amazing feat, but building Stonehenge was much more complex.

回头看一下2002年的世界杯,塞内加尔就曾以击败齐达内率领的法国队的惊人之举震惊了世界。Going back to 2002, Senegal shocked the world when they beat a Zidane-less France in the opening match.

其语言风格颇有韵律,前后对仗,完美地表达了在那惊人之举的历史时刻的心情语气。And in its rhythm and the symmetry of its delivery, it perfectly captured the mood of an epic moment in history.

这个惯例已经维持了87年,但是就在一位犯人做了惊人之举以后画下句点。The practice has continued for 87 years, but it all came to an end after one prisoner made an incredible request.

公司历史上就有过先例,比如2009年,雅虎董事会对卡罗尔•巴茨的任命就很让人意外,谁知道这次它又会做出怎样的惊人之举?Given its history -- including its surprising choice of Carol Bartz in 2009 -- it's hard to know what it might do now.

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不过,也总会有一些个别人,他们粗野的性格促使他们在服饰选择上有惊人之举。However, there are always individuals whose wild personalities prompt them to make outrageous, and often scary, fashion choices.

他做出了惊人之举,我打包票,如果我们当中有谁能赚到他那么多钱,只有一小部分会把钱捐出来,为社区改善作出切实贡献。It's crazy because I bet that if any of us made as much money as Vince did, only a small percentage would donate to such a community-changing cause.

对于凯瑟琳·伊丽莎白·米德尔顿来说,这实在是一件惊人之举,因为她于1982年1月9日出生在伯克郡的Bucklebury的一个中产阶级家庭。This image was very much the exception for Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, who was born into a middle-class family in Bucklebury, Berkshire, on Jan. 9, 1982.

但现在,他们在共度了40年的婚姻生活后劳燕分飞了,我们疑惑,他们看似坚不可摧的婚姻为何破裂了,是否还有类似的惊人之举在等着我们。Now, as they separate after 40 years of marriage, we wonder why their seemingly ironclad bonds have broken, and whether there are similar surprises a waiting us.

这一惊人之举使投资者对迪拜偿还其巨额债务的能力迅速降低了信心,并大幅推升了债务违约保险的价格。The surprise move quickly sapped investor confidence in Dubai's ability to pay down its large debt load, sharply increasing the price of insuring against a default.

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哇这实在是令人印象深刻的集合,由史蒂芬迈泽尔惊人之举,他是世界顶级摄影师,这个集合是您将看到一个跳后,这是超级性感和独特性。Wow this collection is really impressive, amazing work by Steven Meisel, he is one of the in the world and this collection what you will see after this jump is super sexy and unique.