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真自高餍足再次见到你。Nice to see you when more.

学习的仇敌是本身的餍足。Domplacency is the enemy of study.

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他从不餍足今朝的成绩。He has never rested on his laurels.

它不会使心灵餍足和悲伤。That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloyed.

别把餍足他人的期望,奉为你生活的根柢目的。其实关爱。Don't androidtom level your life on other people's expect.

我特休想听听你的声音,你能餍足我这个小小的心愿吗?。I want to hear your voice, could you make my dream come true.

这种修建筑材料料能餍足咱们的需要。The construction material answers our purpose satisfactorily.

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我出格想听听你的声音,你能餍足我这个小小的心愿吗?。i just want to hear your voice. could you speak to me a little bit?

我们引进外劳,是为了餍足经济生长的必要。We make foreign workers to meet the needs of our economic development.

这些都将能大好的餍足未来人们对德律风游戏的需求。These will be able to satisfy the peoples'demands to the handset's games.

他的爱美的心里在这席上得到了餍足,在这里,吃东西是一种审美的行动。He was feasting his love of beauty at this table where eating was an aesthetic function.

但这小小的胜利根本无法餍足这个被称作“斯巴达鬼魂”的男人。But this small victory would not satisfy the man who had come to be known as the Ghost of Sparta.

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与此同时,许多公司都在网络上供给客户化定制的产品以资来餍足客户多样化的需求。At the same time, many companies provide configurable products on Internet to satisfy customers'diversified requirements.

同时搭配主流数码单反体系,餍足媒体快捷高效的图像需求。For the media magazine we use the mainstream digital SLR system to meet the characteristics of fast and efficient image needs.

我想看一看登上烟火上去的那个不知餍足的人,他又回到灯火通明的圣墓墙边。I want to see the insatiable being who has mounted these fireworks, who has rolled back the walls of the sepulchre with light.

从理论上讲,某些气味确实有助于刺激人的“餍足中枢”,即大脑中负责传达已吃饱信息的部位。In theory, certain scents can help stimulate the 'satiety center, ' or the part of your brain that tells you when you are full.

然而当人们已经餍足且对于未来缺乏信心时,刺激消费的效果可能很有限。But when people are already satiate and lack of confidence in their future, the promotion of consumption might has limited effect.

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夜晚,餍足的人们铺开油布,点上油灯,他们整毕生的布景便是如此。In the evening, sated with such wealth, they return to the oilcloth and kerosene lamp that constitute the whole setting of their life.

不般配的一对。现实的处女座从不餍足你的要求。若想得到一份长久的爱情,最好别选处女座的人。No Way! The practical Virgoan will never satisfy your desires. You're better not to pursue this partner for any kind of along-term commitment.

中国不知餍足的对美元债券的需求,长期以来将美元利率维持在低水平,无论联邦政府还是住房购买借贷者都享受低利率。China’s voracious demand for American bonds has helped keep interest rates low for borrowers ranging from the federal government to home buyers.