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此套票优惠只适用于康盛人生脐带血库客户。This offer is applicable for CordLife clients only.

回溯是现在在血库界广泛使用的术语。Lookback is a term now widely used in blood banking circles.

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美国在芝加哥市库克县医院建立了第一个血库。America set up its first blood bank at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.

世卫组织为保障该血库的正常运转提供了人员和资金协助。Staffing and financial support have been provided by WHO to ensure the bank's operations.

尤斯期待母乳库在美国有一天会像血库一样随处可见。Youse hopes milk banking might one day be as common as blood banking in the United States.

令人感到惊讶的是许多脐血存储公司从未从他们的血库中取过样本。Surprisingly, many cord blood storage companies have never had a sample taken from their stock.

GVFI正在开发诊断测试方法从而检查血库中病毒的存在。The GVFI is developing diagnostic tests to check for the presence of viruses in the blood banks.

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例如,荧光素酶可以被用于检测血库中所存血液中的红血球是否开始破裂。Luciferase can be used in blood banks to determine if red blood cells are starting to break down.

通过捐血,我们能够填补血库,让医生有足够的血液来拯救患病者。By donating blood we can fill the blood bank and ensure doctors enough blood to save patients' life.

第一届全国血液基金会论坛召开,聚集血库和输血医学界的领导人。First-ever National Blood Foundation forum unites leaders in blood banking and transfusion medicine.

这个血库几乎没有血,因此急诊病人现在无法输血。This blood bank nearly has little blood, therefore, the patient emergency case unable to donato blood now.

那里有个手术室但是没人会做手术,连药品都没有,就更别说血库了。It has an operating theatre but nobody qualified to do surgery, and hardly any drugs, let alone a blood bank.

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所得脐带血须经筛选,符合标准的冻存于脐血库,以备将来所需。The cord blood is screened. If it meets standards, it is frozen and stored at a cord blood bank for future use.

这归因于不受约束但是却极端不卫生的收集农村地区被污染血液的血库。This is due to the unrestrained and extremely unsanitary blood banks that receive contaminated blood from rural areas.

大量的通用型血液可以将外伤治疗简化为血库的例行公事。Mega-doses of universal-donor red blood units might one day transform trauma care into a simple stop at the blood bank.

第406医学综合实验室的全体人员成立了一个特殊的血库单位管理那里的血库。A special blood bank unit was formed from personnel of the 406th Medical General Laboratory to operate a blood bank there.

奥兰多酒吧发生枪案,数百名同性恋希望为受伤者献血,但遭血库中心拒绝。Hundreds of gay men eager to give blood in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting have been turned away by blood centers.

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在那个既没有血库,也不能空运血液的年代,更是难上加难。Thus, it was more difficult to find the blood in that time when there was not blood bank or could not aerially transport blood.

方法以脐带血库单体型频率和脐带血库容量为基础计算出某一具体表型的理论值与实际查询结果相比较。Methods The theoretical value calculated on the basis of haplotype frequencies and actual finding result from cord blood bank were compared.

另外一个挑战就是,生产后24小时内就要送到花莲血库,这就是潘素玲的另一半帮上忙的地方。Another challenge is to get the donation to the blood bank in Hualien within 24 hours of birth. That's where Pan Suling's better half helps out.