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禾草类植物之间的竞争,对吧?The competition of grasses, right?

一根轻微的禾草也可以告知你大风的趋势。A straw may show which way the wind blows.

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其中丛生禾草草原最具代表性。And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical.

指出剪草是禾草草坪管理的核心内容。Turf mowing is a core part of turfgrass management.

一个非洲丛生美丽的草本属,有禾草状叶。A small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass.

本文研究了用液相色谱法测定乳氟禾草灵的方法。The method to determine by liquid lambda-cyhalothrin chromatograph was studied.

野大麦属短根茎丛生型禾草,是典型的无性系植物。Hordeum brevisubulatum is a typical clonal plant of grass family with short rhizome.

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开花植物包括玫瑰和睡莲,禾草和橡树,郁金香和兰花。The flowering plants include roses and waterlilies, grasses and oak trees, tulips and orchids.

其他材料如棉制品、亚麻布、禾草、竹子、西班牙草和大麻也用于适当的纤维生产。Other material such as cotton, linen, straw, bamboo, esparto grass and hemp also produce suitable fiber.

例如生活在禾草上,引起麦类秆锈病的禾柄锈菌,必须在在小蘗属植物上越冬。An example is Puccinia graminis, the stem rust of cereals and grasses, which overwinters on the barberry.

硬拂子茅是典型的无性系禾草,分蘖节存活时间最多为4年。Calamagrostis rigidula is a typical clonal grass, with its tiller nodes kept alive as long as for 4 years.

感染内生真菌的禾草在牧草和草坪业上具有重要的生态和经济意义。Grasses infected by endophytes have an extraordinary impact on the ecology and economy of pasture and turf.

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目前,禾草种子半透层的研究是以往关注不够的领域。The research of semi- permeable layer in grass seed is a field which has been paid rare attention previously.

除草剂精禾草克对鲹鲦红细胞微核及核异常的影响。The Effect of Quizalofop-p-ethyl on Micronuclei and Nuclear Anomalies in Erythrocytes of Hemiculter leucisculus.

单核丝核菌在中国为首次报道,同时也是其侵染草坪禾草的首次报道。The uninucleate Rhizoctonia is the first report in China and also the first report as a pathogen of turf-grasses.

人工禾草群落间优势种群的重叠程度越大,群落的相似程度越高。The similarity of different communities increased with the overlap extent of the grass compositions of the communities.

藏红花任一种产于欧亚大陆的藏红花属草本植物,生有禾草状的细长叶子,开绚丽多彩的花朵。Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.

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为菌源,研究了这两种混合菌降解精恶唑禾草灵的效果。The paper studied the impact of two mixed culture on the degradation of Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, which are from Alcaligenes sp.

例如生活在禾草上,引起麦类秆锈病的禾柄锈菌,必须在在小蘗属植物上越冬。An example is Puccinia graminis, the stem rust of cereals and grasses, which overwinters on the barberry. Compare autoecioys.

参照其它类群演化式样,提出多倍化仍然在禾草的多倍化起源方面起作用。Together with other lines of evidence, we propose that polyploidization is still an ongoing process in grasses of polyploidy origins.