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犀利是水王!Xili is water king , haha!

鲁宾是一个非常犀利的家伙。Rubin is a pretty sharp guy.

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那两个人目光犀利地望着他。The two men looked at him sharply.

了解更多关于犀利士的成本。Learn more about the cost of CIALIS.

他犀利的双眼能够洞察一切。His sharp eyes can observe everything.

他看了我一眼,目光犀利而深邃。He gave me a pointed and pedantic stare.

停顿了一下,眼光转向史蒂夫的座位,用犀利的目光在他的脸上搜寻着什么。sharp stare, her eyes searching his face.

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临床研究显示,犀利士少。" Clinical " studies " show that Cialis less.

他把一个敏感而言词犀利的记者演得完美无缺。He is perfect as the sensitive but strong reporter.

他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation.

姨父看了她一眼,目光显得和蔼而犀利。Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness.

你可以用亮度-对比度来让颜色更犀利。You can use Brightness Contrast to make colours sharp.

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犀利士是规定的医学卫生保健提供者。CIALIS is a medicine prescribed by healthcare providers.

所以说有时候和丈夫唱对台戏也是很犀利的。Sometimes not standing by your man is pretty bad-ass too.

然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative.

蓝默先生利用这些奇闻轶事建构出的观察相当犀利。Mr Ramo uses his anecdotes to make some sharp observations.

Mankell有着犀利的本能评论社会问题,这还是令人佩服的。Mankell’s fierce instinct for social criticism is admirable.

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费南多先生甩了我一眼,眼神犀利好像要刺穿我身体。Don Fernando gave me a look that seemed to bore a hole in me.

他这双眼睛自从来到篮球界,就成为最犀利的一双之一。One of the best eyes in the world when it comes to basketball!

“苏打水,蒸馏水,还是”——他犀利地扫了我一眼——“自来水?”“Sparkling, still or” – he gave me a sharp glance – “tap water?