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她将在一部新影片中出任主角。She is to star in a new film.

他将出任那个各党议员小组会议的主席。He will chair the all-party group meeting.

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1844年,卡尔霍恩出任国务卿。In 1844 Calhoun became Secretary of State.

朱鲁将出任中后卫。Johan Djourou will come in at centre back.

有限公司请他出任董事。He is offered a directorship with Smith Ltd.

西蒙。史考斯先生出任该公司的法人代表。Mr Simon Scholz is president of the company.

斯科特于1986年出任NCSE的执行董事。Scott in 1986 as executive director of the NCSE.

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1936年,竺可桢出任浙江大学校长。In 1936 he became President of Zhejiang University.

我会出任你的懂事,但别向我要任何东西。I will be on your board but don’t ask me for anything.

他们用大量的选票重新推选他出任地方长官。They re-elected him governor by a large number of votes.

陆柏第一个站出来说要左冷禅出任掌门。Liu Bai first stand up and say to left cold chan as owners.

巴强在片中出任主要角色,这也是阿布舍克。And as a major role in strong, it is also abramovich scheck.

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科尔重回球场,而特里出任队长,这是他的第二次零封。Cole returns, Terry captains. It's two clean sheets for him.

如果小泽一郎当选,他将出任日本首相。If Ichiro Ozawa wins, he will become Japanese prime minister.

伍廷芳政治态度的转变则是其出任的关键。Third, the key factor, Wu had changed his political attitude.

他从来也没有去追求过出任无足轻重的总统密使的角色。He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.

出任北辰集团公司副总经理。He is currently a deputy general manager of BNS Group Company.

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弗莱先生后来加入了阿格拉公司,出任总编。Mr. Fry subsequently joined Agora Inc., as Editorial Director.

并获邀请出任五份国际学术期刊编辑委员会成员。He serves on the editorial board of five international journals.

他暗示他将于2012年再次出任俄罗斯总统的职位。And he has hinted that he could return to the presidency in 2012.