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我们在这个海里游泳。We swim in the sea.

之后我们降速到175海里每小时。Then we slow to 175 knots.

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我们船以每小时6海里的速度行驶。Our ship steams at 6 knots.

他们在海里快乐地游泳。They swim happily in the sea.

在海里翻一个跟斗?Turn a somersault in the sea.

海里这么大不够你游的吗?。Ocean isn't big enough for you?

这条小河注入到大海里。This creek mouths into the sea.

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你喜欢在海里游泳吗?Do you like swimming in the sea?

你有在海里游泳过吗?Have you ever swum in the ocean?

下水道的污水排入海里。The sewers discharge out at sea.

为什么死海里千帆相竞?Why Dead Sea 1000 competing fan?

但是睡不醒鲨鱼跳进了大海里。But Sleepy jumped into the ocean.

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把那些期望也扔进海里吧。Toss those wishes in the ocean too.

我们就能把印度冲到大海里!We would wash India into the ocean!

一只珍贵的古瓶掉进海里了。Arare old vase dropped into the sea.

天涯何处无芳草。海里的鱼多得是。There are plenty of fish in the sea.

你本不应该在那片海里游泳。You shouldn't have swum in that sea.

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轻柔地泛在春海里。Lightly sailing on the sea of spring.

大块大块的陆地伸入海里。The land masses extrude into the sea.

被拥簇在一望无际的花海里。Is crowded around in a sea of flowers.