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结扎住中脑动脉,而后再注入。The brain artery was ligated and then infused.

中脑动脉在表面形成的吻合,平均每例为3.6支。There are 3.6 anastomose branches in each midbrain.

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所有研究对象均取双侧颞叶及中脑数据。Data of both temporal lobes and midbrain were collected for analysis.

生长抑素在中脑、延髓、脊髓、胸腺中显著增高。The content of SS is enhanced in spinal cord, medullary bulb, midbrain and thymus.

它是由于中脑塞梅林氏神经节中的神经细胞死亡导致的。It is caused by the death of nerve cells in a midbrain area called substantia nigra.

目的探讨中脑顶盖部胶质瘤的外科手术治疗方法及结果。Objective To discuss the method and outcome for surgical treatment of tectal plate gliomas.

在哺乳动物细胞中脑磷脂和神经节苷脂可能执行同样的功能。Those in mammalian cells, the cerebrosides and gangliosides, may perform similar functions.

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大脑半球是最常见的受累部位,之后是脑干、中脑和小脑。Cerebrum is the most common site involved, followed by brainstem, mid-brain, and cerebellum.

结果显示新生儿高胆红素血症主要以中脑下部损害为主。The result showed that neonate hyperbilirubinemia damaged mainly lower part of middle brain.

方法回顾性分析9例中脑顶盖部胶质瘤病人的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 9 patients with tectal plate gliomas were analyzed retrospectively.

目的探讨生后锰接触对小鼠中脑被盖相关核区发育的毒性影响。Objective To explore the poisonous effects of manganese exposure on midbrain development in mice.

帕金森氏病的典型特征是中脑某些区域的多巴胺神经元的死亡。Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons in areas of the midbrain.

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仅1例患者在慢性期行MR检查时仅见中脑-间脑接合处单独受累,提示为后遗症。In a single case, studied in the chronic stage, the MDJ lesion was isolated, suggestive of a sequela.

与可卡因一样,尼古丁激活了中脑边缘系统的神经细胞,这其中就包含有多巴胺。Nicotine, like cocaine, activates nerve cells in the brain’s mesolimbic system that contain dopamine.

可见水肿和第四脑室的变窄,呗侧脑桥、中脑向左侧移位。There is edema and partial effacement of the fourth ventricle, dorsal pons , and mid brain on the left.

与中脑多巴胺系统有关的部分边缘系统被即时回报所激活。Parts of the limbic system associated with the midbraindopamine system are activated by immediate rewards.

他说,劫持人质者在打伤一名警方神枪手后被一名狙击兵射中脑门而击毙。He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter.

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其他的原发性水脑症也有可能因为中脑导水管的阻滞导致脑脊液流动受阻。Other cases of congenital hydrocephalus involve a narrowed mesencephalic aqueduct with obstruction to CSF flow.

事实并非这么简单,他说,因为这两个系统存在通过中脑多巴胺神经元的连接。The story is not so simple, he says, because these two systems are connected via the midbrain dopamine neurons.

我们在狗体内利用立体定位进行中脑电刺激,产生诱发发声。We tried to use stereo-taxic electrical stimulation in the midbrain in anesthetized dogs for eliciting phonation.