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岛上有大量的韩方驻军。The island has a large military garrison.

让我们把汉尼拔驻军的营地卖了吧。Let us sell the field on which Hannibal is encamped.

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德国目前在阿富汗约有4250名驻军。The country has around 4, 250 troops in the country.

蜂群拥有清除驻军建筑得能力。Buzzers have the ability to clear garrisoned structures.

为了报复,日军袭击中国驻军,中日战争爆发。In retaliation, the Japanese attacked and war commenced.

但将驻军迁移到日本的任何一个地方都会遇到当地居民的反对。But moving it anywhere else in Japan will face local resistance too.

关于日本驻军投降叫醒在第二次世界大战结束。The Japanese garrison on Wake surrendered at the end of World War II.

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中国并没有同美国竞赛看谁能在月球上建成一座驻军的军事基地。China is not racing us to establish a manned military station on the moon.

修正了一个剧本,在驻军瑟瓦斯,其产生的单位在安卡拉。Fixed a bug in garrison script for Sivas, which generated units in Ankara.

以下是一些NRDC和驻军研究所提出的部分建议。Here are some of the recommendations from NRDC and the Garrison Institute.

在那个时候,它是最西风边境驻军在中国。At that time, it was the most westerly frontier military garrison in China.

蜂群对所有步兵都是致命的,同时它也可以杀死建筑的驻军。Buzzers are lethal to all infantry, and can kill garrisoned un its as well.

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目前,英国在阿富汗驻军达到9500人,仅次于美国。Currently, the British troops in Afghanistan to 9500, after the United States.

高里是冲绳妇女反对驻军暴力行动组织的共同创办人。Takazato is a co-founder of the Okinawa Women's Act Against Military Violence.

驻军噪音扰民甚至从事犯罪活动,当地居民怨声载道。Local residents often complain about noise and crime associated with the bases.

合众国在超过146个国家里有着超过30万的驻军。The United States has over 300, 000 troops stationed in more than 146 countries.

阿麦驻军新野,剑尖直指靖阳关口。The wheat garrison forces is lately wild, the sword point keeps a Jing sun pass.

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就连泰柬两边的驻军也没有人们想象的那样剑拔弩张。Even the Thai-Cambodian troops on both sides are at daggers drawn as people think.

西方驻军永远不可能布满全省,更不用说整个阿富汗。Western forces are never going to garrison the whole province, let alone Afghanistan.

他加入了由麦考伊泰纳钢琴,吉米驻军低音和鼓埃尔文琼斯。He was joined by McCoy Tyner on piano, Jimmy Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums.