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请把我再次留驻在你心尖。Keep me in Ur heart again.

美国总统奥巴马打算在离任前把留驻阿富汗的美军维持在8400人。U. S. President Barack Obama's plan to maintain 8,400 U.

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士兵们带着弓箭留驻在这里保卫长城。Here soldiers with bows and arrows were left to defend the Wall.

大约三分之一的部队会留驻伊拉克进行安全及训练工作直到2011年。Roughly one-third of the troops would stay through 2011 to provide security and training.

一般年轻的韩国民众心里不欢迎美国驻军继续留驻该国。The general feeling among young South Koreans is that America has overstayed its welcome.

经过激烈的辩论,德国议会本月通过投票,决定部队继续留驻一年。After a heated debate, the German parliament voted this month to maintain its troops for another year.

让我的祝福像那悦耳的铃声,温柔的飘进您的耳畔,留驻您的心间。Let my blessing likely that delightful ting, gentle flutters your ear bank, detains between your heart.

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让我的祝福像那悦耳的铃声飘进你的耳畔,留驻您的心间。Let I of the wish is like that please the ear of the bell ring float into you of ear side, stay to halt your heart.

每个时代都有它傲人的艺术表徵留驻在艺术史上,而今,我们恰遇见了动漫美学的时代。Every generation has its own high-spirited art characteristic, and today, we happen to meet the age of Animamix Aesthetics.

麦科马克说,美国对俄罗斯决意让数千名军人留驻这些分离地区感到忧虑。McCormack says the United States is concerned about Russia's decision to keep thousands of soldiers in both breakaway regions.

那就是为什麽他质疑出现在他笔下的画面,为什麽他留驻别人凝视他画布的眼光。That is why he questioned the picture emerging beneath his hand, why he hung on the glances other people directed toward his canvas.

俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫说,俄罗斯打算让五百名俄罗斯军人留驻南奥塞梯四周安全地带的一系列检查关卡。Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Russia intends to keep 500 troops at a series of checkpoints in a security zone surrounding South Ossetia.

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天色有了变化,那就是婆罗摩火山,向大气中喷出巨大的硫磺烟云,那烟云就留驻在绝美的婆罗摩火山旁。The light changes and there it is – Mount Bromo puffing giant sulphurous clouds into the atmosphere standing next to the utterly beautiful Mount Batok.

很长一段时间里,留驻计划的艺术家概念并未得到广泛的理解,自然也就没能在中国艺术建构中发挥作用。For a long time the concept of artist in residence programs was not widely understood, and certainly not available within the Chinese arts infrastructure.

2009年刚上任,总统奥巴马要求派驻更多的军队长期留驻阿富汗。ON TAKING office in 2009, President Barack Obama found a longstanding request from the army on his desk, asking for more troops for the war in Afghanistan.

塔利班拥有的兵源看似源源不绝,他们在巴基斯坦受到庇护。较之外国军队,几乎可以确定他们有更强大的留驻能力。The Taliban have a seemingly inexhaustible supply of recruits, enjoy sanctuary in Pakistan and almost certainly have greater staying power than the foreign troops.

总统的决定可能会危害我军和盟军过去一年半取得的来之不易的成果,也可能会危及留驻阿富汗美军的安全。The president’s decision could jeopardize the hard-won gains our troops and allies have made over the past 18 months and, potentially, the safety of the remaining forces.

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在竞选早期,麦凯恩曾被问到美国军队还需要在伊拉克留驻多少时间。Earlier in the presidential campaign, McCain was asked how long U.S. troops would need to remain in Iraq, and he said its possible they could remain for 100 years, if necessary.

阿富汗人可能会对被外国军队误杀的平民感到愤怒,对社会混乱和无保障感到沮丧,对卡尔扎伊政府的腐败感到失望,但民意调查显示,大多数人希望西方军队留驻。Afghans may feel anger over the death of civilians killed by foreign forces, frustration at the chaos and insecurity, and dismay at the corruption of President Hamid Karzai’s government.