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我们为什么有庄园?Why do we have a manor?

他的庄园里建了一个工场。A workshop was built on his estate.

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他发现庄园的门还开着。He found the door of the Hall open.

于是我们便回巴斯克维尔庄园去了。So we went back to Baskerville Hall.

还有什么事情能把他耽搁在诺兰庄园呢?What else can detain him at Norland?

克萝芙新庄园是个了不起的概念。Crofts New Hall is an amazing concept.

摩尔庄园最新攻略!摩尔谈天说地!Moore Manor latest Raiders! Moore chat!

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这附近最大型的建筑可能就是塔德菲尔德庄园了。The only large place is Tadfield Manor.

在庄园酒店,哈吉斯进行了“净化”。At the Manor Hotel, Haggis went “Clear.”

唐顿庄园赢来了新的仆人。Tang Du is manorial win came new lackey.

庄园的正门没锁。The front door of the Manor was unlocked.

起初这是罗伯特李将军的庄园。Originally the estate of General Robert E.

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适于装饰那些古老的庄园的美人。Beauty fit to ornament those ancient manors.

我小时候常去“山墙庄园”作客。I often visited The Gables when I was a boy.

他们在萨里郡拥有一鹰具400年历史的庄园。They own a400-year-old manor house in surrey.

一次,姑妈有一个星期没在“山墙庄园”住。After being absent from The Gables for a week.

昨晚,我梦自己又回到了曼陀丽庄园。Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.

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如果庄园被达吉斯老爷继承了,我们就完了。If Lord Dargis gets the estate, we're done for.

它们一瘸一拐地朝庄园缓缓地走回。Slowly they began to limp back towards the farm.

庄园里其他的公猪都是食用猪。All the other male pigs on the farm were porkers.