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队长有病时,副队长领队。The captain leads his team.

队长有病时,副队长领队。Who is captaining the side today?

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他原打算当我们的领队。He was going to be our team leader.

里奇是在纽约的古巴领队。Ricky is a Cuban bandleader in New York.

队长有病时,副队长领队。The footBall captain addressed him team.

但是领队拉着绳走时,却牵不动小黑子。But when he pulled, he could not budge him!

他在这个队里当领队兼教练。He doubled as captain and coach of the team.

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我在纸上画了一幅拉拉队领队的漫画。I drew a cartoon of a cheerleader on my paper.

因此领队就在小黑子的鼻子上穿了一根绳。So he put a rope through Grandma's Blackie's nose.

红色领队的X翼被分到一个红色R5机器人。Red Leader's X-wing had a Red R5 unit assigned to it.

协调官直接向领队报告。The Liaison Officer reports directly to the Team Leader.

嗨!我叫陈佐芬,是翡翠旅游公司的领队。Hi, I'm Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency.

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你的领队出去了,然后你也随他而去,进去空中自由落体状态。Your guide goes out, and you with them, into a mid-air freefall.

您的领队将引导您到市中心的安特卫普。Your tour leader will guide you to the town centre of Antwerpen.

营员与领队老师或联络官员无亲属关系。Campers should not be related to the chaperon or liaison officer.

当一个地方棒球队发现缺少一个领队时。When a local sandlot baseball team found itself without a manager.

一个好的足球领队在本队遭受失败时能泰然处之。A good football leader can take it on the chin when his team loses.

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领队的车已被旋转的作用是一个伟大的一点乐趣。The role of lead car has been rotated which is great and a bit of fun.

我儿子二年级的时候我成了他们幼年童子军的领队人。When my son was in second grade I was the leader of his Cub Scout Den.

他是第一个创建和普及一种爵士风格的白人乐队领队。He was the first white bandleader to adopt and popularize a jazz style.