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和一只鹧鸪在梨树。And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

鹧鸪声里倒清尊。Pour clear sound Partridge respect.

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猎狗惊起了几只鹧鸪。The hunting dog put up some partridges.

晚饭时有一盘鹧鸪做的菜。There is a dish of partridge at supper.

要没有兔子和鹧鸪,一个田野还成什么田野呢?What is a country without rabbits and partridges?

绕扶行不得,闲窗学得鹧鸪啼。Fu Xing Bude around, free windows learn Partridge sing.

这两个鹧鸪被取出来了厨房和焚烧。The two partridges were taken out to the kitchen and burned.

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狼可能因为追逐松鼠或鹧鸪而迷了路。The wolf might have strayed away after a squirrel or partridge.

明天,抓一只野兔和一只鹧鸪,都必须是活的!Tomorrow, go and catch a hare and a partridge. Both must be alive!

我刚才在一个铁衫树篱笆围绕的水塘边,看见一只鹧鸪和一只知更鸟。I momentarily saw a partridge and a robin by a hemlock-hedged pond.

鹧鸪和啄木鸟在树木里咕咕地叫,笃笃地敲。Partridges and woodpeckers were booming and knocking in the forest.

过尽路牌无客影,一冈秋雨鹧鸪啼。No passengers had to make signs shadow, a Gang autumn partridge sing.

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终日忧兄行不得,鹧鸪应是鼻亭公。Day worries brother Hang Bude, nose partridge should be public kiosks.

博山熏尽鹧鸪斑,罗带同心不忍看。Boshan smoked partridge best spot, Lo could not bear to see with one mind.

鹧鸪天欲上高楼去避愁,愁还随我上高楼。For the high-rise partridge day to avoid worry, worry still with me on the tower.

圣诞节的第一天,我的真爱送我一只在洋李树上的鹧鸪。On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me A partridge in a pear tree.

它们的低级同类,如鹧鸪,有一种同样大的。Their humbler followers, such as partridges have a like power of strong propulsion.

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以色列王出来是寻找一个虼蚤,如同人在山上猎取一个鹧鸪一般。The king of Israel has come out to look for a flea--as one hunts a partridge in the mountains.

我相信他一定非常乐意让你来,而且会把最好的鹧鸪都留给你。I am sure he will be vastly happy to oblige you, and will save all the best of the covies for you.

本文以〈鹧鸪天〉一调之声情为探索的对象,而主要的依据为辛弃疾词。This paper studies Partridge Sky written by Sin Ci-Ji to explore the melody of this musical theme.