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车道管制号志?。Lane control signal?

指导原则依然是管制。Control is still the watchword.

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书摊的经营受到严格管制。The trade is strictly regulated.

我大力支持信息不受管制。I'm a big supporter of non-censorship.

我主我神,求祢来管制我的舌头。Lord God, I ask you to hold my tongue.

药品价格需要政府管制。Drog price needs government regulation.

但至于管制的细节,他任凭美国国会裁夺。But he has left the details to Congress.

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航空交通管制中心每日二十四小时运作。The ATCC operates twenty-four hours a day.

必要时对疫点进行隔离管制措施。Necessary control measures to isolate spot.

在灯火管制期间必须拉上窗帘。Curtains must be drawn during the black-out.

枪支管制究竟带有什么样的种族主义色彩呢?In what bizarro world is gun control racist?

战时街道照明实行半灯火管制。Street lighting was dimmed out during the war.

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谁是力者?管制热情者。Who is powerful? He that governs his Passions.

宵禁和灯火管制甚至持续到了1945年7月。Curfews and blackouts even lasted to July 1945.

限制通常会根据需要而解除管制。Restrictions were mostly deregulated as needed.

任何渠务、灌溉或河道管制工程。Any drainage, irrigation or river control works.

我们用什么来管制封井器呢?。What do we use to control the blowout preventer?

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下面让我们来一次飞行,走近空中交通管制系统。Let's follow a flight to demonstrate this system.

这些纸板管制造出了了不起的线缆收齐器!Those cardboard tubes make terrific cable tidies!

双方同步和下垂的管制。Both isochronous and droop controls are available.