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我喜欢蛀虫。I like moths.

毛衣让蛀虫咬坏了。The sweater is moth-eaten.

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被犁断的蛀虫原谅犁头。The cut worm forgives the plow.

哪种蛀虫吃锁子甲?What sort of moths eat chainmail?

你需要对这种木头进行处理以防蛀虫。You need to treat this wood for woodworm.

木蛀虫将门框一点点蛀坏了。Woodworm had eaten away at the door frame.

纳税人的钱养了一群蛀虫和败类!The tax payers are feeding a bunch of scums.

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蛀虫豆受虫侵害的咖啡豆。Moth bean coffee by the infringement insects.

Wood说,脏衣服是滋生蛀虫的温床。Wood says dirty clothes are magnets for moths.

木蛀虫把大部份家具都蛀了。Woodworm had eaten into most of the furniture.

它抗腐烂,但是不抗海洋蛀虫。It is resistant to decay but not to marine borers.

装修后,发现地板上的小洞洞有蛀虫。Decoration, the Xiaodongdong have found the floor borers.

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你们的财产腐烂了,你们的衣服被蛀虫吃了。Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten.

有多少看上去纯美无瑕的苹果,刚刚发芽就已经包藏蛀虫。How many an innocent-looking apple is harboring a worm in the bud.

要是你们能有饼于里蛀虫的那点精神的话,你们就可以抓住他们。If you had the pluck of a weevil in a biscuit you would catch them still.

做工再精良的衣服,也可能会被蛀虫咬,沾上咖啡渍,或被小孩扯坏。Regardless of how well-made a garment is, moths, coffee spills and kids take their toll.

这份资料并没有介绍如何处理木蛀虫以及其他钻木昆虫。This fact sheet does not cover treatment against woodworm and other wood boring insects.

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晚上会听见上铺有蛀虫在啃食木板,木屑就顺势而下。Upper night will hear a plank of wood borers in defoliation , and the sawdust on homeopathy.

此外,在比较清洁的港湾,它们还受到日益严重的海洋木蛀虫的危害。In addition, the clean Harbour, which has also been increasingly serious harm marine wood borers.

能够造成聚合物劣化的生物体很多,如细菌、真菌、海生动物和各种蛀虫等。Organisms that cause polymer deterioration include bacteria, fungi, marine animals, and borers of various types.