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月骨脱位。A Lunate dislocation.

脱位处以整复手法为主。Dislocations should be treated chiefly with taxis.

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引起脱位的原因常常是多因素的。The cause of dislocation is most often multi-factorial.

结果内、外冠脱位时,脱位力大小与内冠聚合度关系密切。Results Separating force was related to the cone angle closely.

髌骨半脱位者充分松解髌骨外侧支持带。Releasing lateral retinaculum adequately for patellar subluxation.

脱位和髋臼位置、颗粒和不足的外展肌力有关。It is related to cup position, wear or deficient abductor mechanism.

晶状体脱位是指晶状体从正常部位脱离。Lens luxation is a displacement of the lens from its normal position.

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结论无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤宜及早行MRI检查,以明确损伤的类型。Conclusion Early MRI examination can be used to judge the injury type.

但是,这个优势也使肩关节成为容易脱位的关节。But, this advantage also makes the shoulder an easy joint to dislocate.

假体设计上讲,球头的直径越大,脱位风险越小。Large ball head of prosthesis can decrease the incidence of dislocation.

本研究目的是描述一种治疗难复性寰枢椎脱位的微创方式。The aim of this study was to describe a less-invasive approach for IAAD.

孕19周和23周的超声对比怀疑肘脱位。Sonographic comparison at 19 and 23 weeks GA with suspected elbow luxation.

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然后将距骨及内膘踝向外侧半脱位,显露关节面。Then subluxate the talus and malleolus laterally to reach the joint surfaces.

远期并发症为髋关节脱位、脊柱畸形、肌无力。Late complications included spinal deformity, hip dislocation and hypokinesia.

当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee.

结果寰枢椎发育异常引起的寰枢椎脱位262例,创伤性寰枢椎脱位71例,其他原因55例。Results 262 cases were caused by anomaly, 71 by trauma and 55 by other reasons.

CT对无移位的齿状突骨折和轻度环枢椎脱位不敏感。Odontoid fracture could not be shown with CT if without atlantoaxial dislocation.

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其它原因包括软组织损伤,感染,多发性损伤和脱位。Other causes included soft tissue injury, Infections, Polytrauma and Dislocations.

固位是义齿抵抗从其就位道脱位的能力。Retention is the resistance of the denture to removal along its path of insertion.

如果您有一些脊椎半脱位的情形,最好趁早做好脊椎保健。So, if you have subluxations, you could be a good candidate for chiropractic care.