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他的言行正在倒退。His behaviour is regressing.

他倒退了三步。He took three steps backwardly.

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很多人认为它会倒退。Many thought it would backslide.

时间往前倒退20年。Well, fast forward twenty years.

那马听到巨大的响声时惊得往后倒退。The horse shied at the loud noise.

那匹马看到汽车惊得往后倒退。He backed the car out of the garage.

那会是一场巨大的倒退。That would be a giant step backwards.

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这并非“倒退”或“堕落”。This is not countermarch or backslide.

时间飞速的在我的脑中倒退。Time of rapid retrogression in my mind.

他不可能前进甚至是倒退。He may not move forward or even regress.

这些独轮车也不能倒退。These unicycles also cannot go backwards.

可以说我们在向迈前进两步后又倒退了一步。But it's two steps forward, one step back.

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你将自由,远离所有倒退。Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.

那匹马被火车吓得直喷鼻连连倒退。The horse snorted and shied at the train.

我知道我一个劲倒退也回不去了…I know i can't go back when i still go back.

实际上,让我们倒退下然后在录像里做这个。Actually, let me back up and do this in video.

但假如你倒退了,海勒姆说,“那就重新开始。But if you backslide, Hiram says, “Start over.

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坚持进步,反对倒退!Persist in progress and oppose retrogression !

自行车挡到要倒退的车。The Bicycle got in the way of the Backing car.

他的白色汽车通过校门倒退进去。His white car reversed through the school gate.