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不争是慈祥,不闻是智慧。True is kindly, not smell is wisdom.

你为什么要欢迎这样一个不争气的儿子呢?Why did you welcome a bad son like him?

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我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.

这样一个不争的事实,却总是被奥巴马总统忽略。This is the overwhelming reality that the President ignores.

这已是一个不争的事实,也是一种可喜的现象。This is an undisputable fact, it is also an encouraging sign.

秋叶不争功,我想这就是她真实写照。Akiba undisputed power, I think this is a true portrayal of her.

目前,我国农村信用社效率低下已成为不争的事实。It is indicated that the inefficiency of RCCs is very prevalent.

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我也相信你可以让我那个不争气的男明星远离海洛因。And I believe you can get that fag he-man star of mine off heroin.

就在这一秒放弃,绝不再放纵不争气的心。In the second to give up, never again indulge disappointing heart.

人们不争竞,在拥挤的公共汽车和滥用对方。People will not quarrel in the crowded buses and abuse each other.

说起他的那个不争气的儿子,老父亲勃然大怒。Talking of his disappointing son, the old father flew into a rage.

大学生们对网络的忠爱己是不争之事实。Students of the network is the faithful love has undisputable fact.

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在大公司的工作经历能更好地圆满你的履历一个不争的事实。ompany where you do work experience the better it looks on your CV.

当前,大学生就业难已成为不争的事实。Nowadays, college students' low employment becomes an undisputable reality.

主谓谓语句用于表示存在自古而然,早已成为不争的事实。It is a early fact that S-P predicate sentences express existential meaning.

面对这个不争的事实,其实,我们或许应该重新定义选港姐的意义。Facing with such immutable verity, maybe, we should redefine its significance.

远程开放教育的学生保持率较低是一个不争的事实。The low rate of student retention is an unarguable fact in distance education.

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还有一个不争的事实,是日本在第一时间挑起了战争。There is also the inconvenient truth that Japan started the war in the first place.

我国的高等教育大众化已经是势所必然,就业难是一个不争的事实。China's higher education popularization is a trend and difficult employment is a fact.

秦文化在发展过程中吸收了部分周文化因素,这一点已经成为学界不争的事实。It is well known that Qin culture absorbs part of Zhou culture during its development.