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和孩子预演可能出现的险情。Role-play possible situations with the child.

我们在演讲比赛前预演了好几天。We rehearsed for days before the speech contest.

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最后,八一跳伞队为本次预演画上了句号。The rehearsal ended with jumps by parachute teams.

即将到来的澎湃都已在心中预演。心灵的清澈才是最终的归宿。The limpidity of the state of mind is the final home.

界面设计器不再是一个技术上的预演。The Screen Designer is no longer a technology preview.

我可以执行恢复的预演吗?就像我在VDR中使用时的一样?Can I perform a Restore Rehearsal, as I used to do in VDR?

他的交响曲在第一次预演时就受到嘲笑而不能上演。His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehear sal.

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在春晚当天,刘谦将表演最先预演的魔术。Liu's magicis one of the most anticipated shows during the night.

绿皮书就是乌托邦式的极权主义的拙劣预演。The Green Book was an exercise, if a daft one, in utopian totalitarianism.

他们可以清楚地看到想要的结果,一遍又一遍地预演。They see the result they want clearly and rehearse it over and over again.

川伯斯认为,极端性天气是未来气候的类比和预演。Trenberth regards extreme weather as an analogue, a dry run to the future.

到目前为止,以年轻人为主的观众似乎被预演打动了。So far, the mostly young audiences at the preview performances seem impressed.

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早期的抗议仅仅是大革命开始前的预演。The earlier protests had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.

预演于周四开始,但正式的演出在10月16日。Previews for the play began on Thursday but the official opening is October 16.

综合的后勤准备会是未来实战的预演。The complex logistical preparations will serve as a dry run for future efforts.

这次会议是9月25至26日在匹兹堡举行的G20峰会的预演。The meeting is a precursor to a full G20 summit in Pittsburgh on 25-26 September.

这是一个预演,它免费桌面,服务台,以及网络管理软件。This is a preview of Free IT desktop, helpdesk , and network management software.

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在澳门,总部设在加拿大的太阳马戏团表演者预演他们的最新节目。Performers from Canadian-based Cirque du Soleil preview their latest show in Macau.

下月试行限车期间,北京正好也要举行几场奥运预演。The test run would coincide with several trial Games events to be held at that time.

事先在脑海中对动作进行预演的过程对于学习运动技巧来说是非常重要的。The ability to rehearse a movement in your mind is indeed vital to learning motor skills.