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市场在零七年达到顶峰。The market hit a high point in 2007.

缺电问题将于三、四月份达到顶峰。The problem will peak in March and April.

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在1886年时达到顶峰,之后就崩溃了in--it peaked in 1886 and then it crashed.

事实上,它是犹太教的顶峰。Actually, it is the culmination of Judaism.

我们总是在汲汲追求着那个所谓的顶峰。We are always moving towards that pinnacle.

其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。Its peaks are the symphony and the oratorio.

弱志的人从来达不到顶峰。Weak-willed people never make it to the top.

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这一趋势在切尼担任副总统时达到顶峰。That trend reached its apogee in Dick Cheney.

他将汉帝国推向了壮盛的顶峰。He will push the height of the Chinese empire.

这是撒旦对耶稣的诱惑的顶峰。This is the Satan to Jesus's enticement crest.

她拼死拼活地爬到了她职业的顶峰。She clawed her way to the top of her profession.

他们攀登顶峰的一切尝试都失败了。All their attempts at reaching the summit failed.

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见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!

1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s.

陶塑艺术也于盛唐达到了它的艺术顶峰。The ceramic sculpture art achieved its top place.

最后奎托斯被仍到一座山的顶峰。Kratoseventually is thrown onto a mountain summit.

授予老朋友称号的频率在1979年达到顶峰。The frequency hit high for the first time in 1979.

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沃德年方25,正迈向他的职业顶峰。Ward is only 25 and is moving into his peak years.

我想在年夜都会顶峰时候都一样。I suppose it is the same in rush-hours in big cities.

46秒24分会是没有朽的篮球顶峰时辰。The 24 in 46 will forever be a top basketball moment.