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我决定离家出走。I decided I'd leave home.

离家出走前要做得几件事What to do before you leave home

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我出走那是半夜三更一片寂静。I went out in the still of the night.

然后他突然离家出走。Then he upped and ran away from home.

少女时期,穆瑞尔就经常离家出走。As a girl, she often ran away from home.

走吧,让我们离家出走到外面广阔的世界去!Come, let us go out into the wide world!

我们出走用饭吧,好吗?。Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?

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出走了,在水里,看见它在游。Waaaaay out, in the water, see it swimming.

他似乎是在后半夜出走的。It seems that he went away in the small hours.

昨天这艘船的五名军官私自出走。Five of the ship's officers went adrift yesterday.

某些媒体称雷军为“精神领袖”出走。Certain media call Lei Jun " mental cacique " leave.

杰克已离家出走,丢下妻子和两个孩子。Jack bunked off and left his wife with two children.

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避而出走,足迹遍及大江南北。Avoid flee, footprint in the great river north and south.

那个男人已离家出走,丢下妻予和三个孩子。The man bunked off and left his wife with three children.

你决定离家出走,这一招儿既害人又害己。Your decision to leave the house is a double-edged sword.

其洛伦索时,他的出走我们要帮助他们找到他!Its Lorenzo , he's run away, we have to help them find him!

我听说我们邻舍那个有夫之妇已出走,逃到她的情夫那里去了。I heard that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.

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像大多离家出走的孩子一样,我们首先想到的是森林。Like most kids who run away, we thought of the forest first.

希斯克里夫无意间听到,于是从呼啸山庄离家出走。Heathcliff overhears and runs away from Wuthering Heights. Ch 9

那年秋天一个暴风雨的夜晚,他离家出走。One night that autumn, he fled his house during a raging storm.