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今年夏天该城遭受水灾。Flood struck the town this summer.

盖堤防就可防水灾吗?Does building levees prevent floods?

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水灾可能会造成环境灾害。Flood might cause environmental damage.

该国经不起再受一次水灾了。The country can't afford another flood.

那时敲响教堂的钟作为水灾的警号。The church bells were rung as flood warning.

上周发生土石流和水灾。There were landslides and a flood last week.

人行桥在水灾中冲走了。The footbridge washed away during the floods.

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一连串的豪雨导致了严重的水灾。The heavy rains brought about a severe flood.

一个三岁的小孩怎么能给家里造成水灾呢?How is a three-year-old able to flood a house?

运达的水灾灾民的人数最多。Indah has the highest number of flood victims.

许多人向水灾灾民捐款。Many people com tributed for the flood victims.

他们在房屋周围垫上沙袋以抵御水灾。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.

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运达的水灾灾民的人数最多。B Indah has the highest number of flood victims.

这个海堤应该能阻止像这个星期那样的水灾。Such seawalls should prevent floods like this week's.

这个水库使40用项的土地免除了水灾的威胁。The reservoir keeps flood from400000 hectares of land.

说来奇怪,自此之后,佛山一带再也没有闹过水灾。Under his blessing, floods never came to Foshan again.

水灾在全国范围内造成重大损失---1.532人死亡。Floods Cause Huge Losses Nationwide---1,532 people die.

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食物和衣物被送到遭受水灾地区。Food and clothes were sent to the flood-stricken areas.

他们救济水灾难民。They contributed five million dollars for refugee relief.

我们应该同心协力以援助遭水灾的灾民。We must co-ordinate our efforts to help the flood victims.